What I'm Loving This Month
Friday, June 28, 2019
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
When you first bring a new puppy home, there is no doubt that it will be very excited. It will want to meet everyone in its new family and will also spend a lot of time exploring its new home. After a few days it should start to settle down and be a lot more comfortable in its new life.
How To Put An Outfit Together | A Basic Styling Guide
All too often I hear people say that they are terrible at putting together an outfit. For some reason when we struggle like that, we just wear the same few outfits on a rotating schedule from our closet and everything else goes to waste. Now, if you haven't already done a major purge of your wardrobe, make sure you get my free printable guide to purging your wardrobe to walk you through it. When you have a closet full of only what you love most, you'll be able to put the best outfits together in no time!
Once you've purged your wardrobe - it's time to learn how to put an outfit together. I actually do my outfits for the week and hang them in groups by day in my closet so that I don't even have to give a second thought in the morning when I'm dressing for work. If you use this guide to put an outfit together you will be able to easily do it the night before or even the day of.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Image via Pixabay
People, by and large, will go to extraordinary lengths to try and improve their sense of well-being, and to ensure that they are having the best possible experience in life.
Many of the practices and exercises that are most commonly recommended for improving well-being have to do with things like relaxation – for example, taking the time to soak in a hot bath every day after work, or making sure to have quality social events to look forward to on the weekend.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
I love throw blankets because they serve 2 purposes. They look super cute and add decorative accents throughout your home but they also can be functional if you're chilly and need to pull a blanket over yourself while you watch TV. Some people just keep throw blankets folded and shoved into a closet until they need them, but I have some basic ways to style them so they add to the overall style of your home.
Home Decor
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
So many people these days are stressed out about money, especially when it comes to deciding on a career path for the future. Student loans are outrageous anymore and unfortunately, too many people go to college and never use their degree. There are some trades that don't even require a formal degree. Today I wanted to talk about how important it is to consider a scholarship for your future. Scholarships can help you in so many ways when it comes to making the decision to go to college and then funding yourself along the way.
Home Improvements for Warm Weather
If there's one thing I know about the seasons, it's that when it's warm out, it's the best time to do some major improvements to your home. I always tell people that the winter should be more focused around stuff like refinishing a room, putting down new floors, painting, and bathroom makeovers because what else can you do when you're stuck inside during a snow storm?
Why Being Wise Helps You Meet Your Wellness Goals
Achieving wellness is a holy grail for many. It’s something that we’re desperate to have in our lives, but it seems permanently out of reach for one reason or another.
Is wellness possible for most people most of the time? Or is it like a lottery? You could win, but you probably won’t.
It turns out that it’s probably a bit of both. You have to win the lottery in the sense that you have to be in a position where you could achieve wellness. But you also have to make the right lifestyle choices to make it happen.
How To Banish Sleepless Nights
If we’re going to be at our best every day, then we need to have a reliable sleeping routine. There’s simply no getting around it -- you can’t be at your brilliant best if you’re constantly fighting tiredness. If we’re honest with ourselves, we’d probably conclude that we can become something of a monster when we’re running low on sleep. If you’re one of those people who struggles to hit the hay and get all the sleep you need each night, then the good news is that there are things you can do to improve the situation. We take a look at a few ideas below.
Source: Pexels.com
Things You Can Do To Banish Stress Tonight
Fed up of feeling stressed out and out of control? It might be time for you to get a handle on the situation and start bringing those stress levels down. Whether it’s work or your personal life that’s causing you to feel stressed, there are ways you can learn to manage it to feel more in control and more resilient in stressful situations.
Why not get started by tackling your stress tonight? There are a couple of great suggestions for things you can do to alter your evening routine and take some time to yourself to get back on track.
Why not get started by tackling your stress tonight? There are a couple of great suggestions for things you can do to alter your evening routine and take some time to yourself to get back on track.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
When your mental health is suffering, it’s important that you seek professional help if things are getting on top of you. Your doctor can offer you medication and access to talking therapies that will help you to manage things a lot better. However, the best way to treat mental health problems is through early intervention that stops them from developing in the first place. If you can live a healthier lifestyle generally, you can combat mental health problems and stop them before you even start. Often, there are simple things that you can do on a daily basis to massively improve your mental health. These are some of the best lifestyle changes that you can make if you want to combat mental health problems.
Here's What You Need to Know About Workplace Injury
When you leave for work in the morning, you might have a million things on your mind. How will you get that report in on time? Is there enough budget left for that training? Will you get paid in time for the weekend?
The one thing you probably never think of is the possibility of getting injured that day. But accidents in the workplace happen all the time. That's why it's so important to think of what risks you might face at work and what you would do if you were unlucky enough to experience a workplace injury.
How To Stay Cool at a Summer Wedding
Summer is a great time for weddings except for one annoying thing. The hot humid weather that comes once July hits. Oh, and the bugs. And the random rain storms that give you frizzy hair.
But that's okay! Because if you've been invited to an outdoor Summer wedding, I have some easy advice for you that will help you stay cool and feel good while you join in your friend's special day.
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Are you in the habit of going for the same walk every day with your dog? Is your dog tired of smelling the same bits of grass? If you are both getting a bit bored with your exercise regimes, then maybe it's time to mix things up a bit and make things fun again.
Monday, June 10, 2019
You know what makes working towards your financial goals even more fun? Tracking them as you go. It gives you a way to watch your progress and see how close you are to your end goal. That's why I've created 3 free printable goal trackers for you!
free printable,
Free Printables
Friday, June 7, 2019
You have probably seen commercials for financial advisors on TV, and maybe even seen local ones on billboards in your hometown. Most people have heard of a financial advisor before but they have no clue what that even means. Is it someone that advises you on your money? Is it someone that invests your money for you? If you ask yourself those questions then this is post is most definitely for you. Today I'm going to tell you what a financial advisor does and why you may need to look into one.
2019 Father's Day Gift Guide
Dads can be so difficult to shop for. For some reason, they seem to have it all which can make Father's Day a challenge. So what do you get a picky dad or a dad that has it all? Well, here's some ideas!
father's day,
Gift Guide
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Summer is a great time to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities. The kids are out of school and everyone seems to be having a blast day AND night. The problem is, sometimes we get caught up in the fun and we spend way too much money. We stop being as frugal as we were when we were stuck inside during the winter months. Here are 20 money savings tips for the summer!
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
The world has become somewhat obsessed with beauty thanks to the rise of platforms like Instagram and social media websites, but it’s created a fake reality that people take too seriously. A lot of images you see in fashion websites and on social media are often edited heavily in Photoshop, creating a false sense of beauty that isn’t achievable. This leads people to believe they’re ugly, it reduces confidence in others and could create body image issues that manifest into health problems.
But it’s difficult to avoid these things, so in this article, we’re going to talk about 4 ways to improve your body image and confidence even if you’re surrounded by social media.
Monday, June 3, 2019
When the weather is nice (basically any season except winter) the decor on the outside of your home like in a sunroom, on a patio/deck, or around the entry to your home is very important. Not that there's anything wrong with a simple minimal look on the outside or anything, but a lot of people spend A LOT of time in their outdoor living spaces. When you spend a lot of time in a certain part of your home, you tend to want to spruce up the looks of it. That's why I have some tips on how to style and decorate your home with outdoor decor.
Home Decor