Dental health is EXTREMELY important for both humans and pets. There are certain breeds of dogs (the smaller ones) that need even more dental maintenance than other breeds because of how tiny their teeth are. And dental health and heart health are interconnected. I am always advocating for pets and trying to educate owners on how to keep their dental health a priority. So of course my blog is no different and today I'm going to tell you about 5 keys to taking care of your dog's dental health.
5 Keys To Taking Care of Your Dog's Dental Health
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Dental health is EXTREMELY important for both humans and pets. There are certain breeds of dogs (the smaller ones) that need even more dental maintenance than other breeds because of how tiny their teeth are. And dental health and heart health are interconnected. I am always advocating for pets and trying to educate owners on how to keep their dental health a priority. So of course my blog is no different and today I'm going to tell you about 5 keys to taking care of your dog's dental health.
3 Ways To Revamp Your Home
So there you are, scrolling through your Instagram feed and you are double tapping all the beautiful home decor photos with envy. You just wish you could glam up your house a bit so it looks even remotely like your favorite home decor blogger's house right? Well, guess what?! It's not all that hard to do it. Today I'm sharing 3 ways to revamp your home that are tried and true... and yes, I've done all of them!
Home Decor
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
How did you feel when you woke up this morning? Excited about the day ahead or dreading what is to come? Steve Jobs once said that your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else's life. So with that in mind, do you feel like you are living your best life? If you have to think about it, or the answer is a no or a maybe, then the chances are that you aren’t living your best life when you definitely could be. If this sounds like you and you want to be doing more and living how you deserve, then here are some ideas and ways to help you to be more alive, more present, more conscious, and hopefully, living a happier life, regardless of what is going on around you.
3 Ways to Style A Scarf
Outfit Ideas,
outfit of the day,
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Every night around 9 pm I watch TV and lay on the couch. As 10pm nears, my body gets more tired, my eyelids get droopy, and by 10 on the dot I'm ready for bed. I lay down in my bed, turn the fan on, fluff my pillow, and put on my sleep mask as I inhale the scent of the pillow spray. Within minutes I'm out cold.
Does this sound like you? If not, then oh boy are you going to want to read this post. Getting a good night of sleep is CRUCIAL to your health and ability to function on a day to day basis. When you're tired and groggy you can't concentrate at work, you can't stay motivated to eat right and exercise, and your health can suffer if you are weak and catch a nasty bug.
So what's the key to getting a good night's sleep?
Does this sound like you? If not, then oh boy are you going to want to read this post. Getting a good night of sleep is CRUCIAL to your health and ability to function on a day to day basis. When you're tired and groggy you can't concentrate at work, you can't stay motivated to eat right and exercise, and your health can suffer if you are weak and catch a nasty bug.
So what's the key to getting a good night's sleep?
Friday, February 22, 2019

So we have a tradition every month where we go out to dinner for date night. It guarantees us an excuse to get out but still is budget friendly since we only do it once a month. Cool beans, but what am I doing a blog post about it? Well, because people always ask what they should wear or how they should dress for a date night so I figured I'd explain how I figure it out.
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Ah, the weather outside is...unpredictable! Sometimes it snows, sometimes it rains, and sometimes it sleets. Lately, it's been all over the place all in one week.
I don't know about you but I don't like sacrificing comfort for beauty..... and I don't like sacrificing practicality for beauty either, which is why I love Nomad Footwear.
How To Celebrate Love Your Pet Day on February 20th
Pet Products,
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Alright so you took the time to make a budget but for some reason, it's not doing a darn thing to help your financial situation. That's SO frustrating and it makes you feel like giving up. I mean why bother trying to make and be on a budget, if it's not doing a darn thing to better your situation.
Well, if any of the below points are reasons your budget is failing you, the good news is that I have ways to turn it around!
>>> And before we start - if you need a budget template - get one for free right here! <<<
Monday, February 18, 2019
In Pennsylvania, we get ALL FOUR SEASONS which means even when you want to look good, the weather can make you miserable trying to do so. We get everything from wind so strong it nearly pushes you across a city street, sleet that makes it dangerous to even walk outside to get the mail, and snow so obnoxious you don't even care what you look like when you leave the house for the day.
It can be super frustrating but it really doesn't have to. If you follow these few tips you can master the art of dressing for the weather while feeling comfortable and looking great.
Friday, February 15, 2019
Everyone has a designated "junk drawer" in their kitchen, whether they would like to admit it or not. It just makes sense since the kitchen is the command center of every home. If you need something in a rush, you know what drawer it's in, right?
But what happens when that drawer is such a hot mess that you can't find anything in it and can barely get it open most days? Well, that's why today I'm showing you how to purge, declutter, and organize your kitchen junk drawer!
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
So in case you didn't know, February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Kindness is so important anymore because it's a simple act of positivity that can turn someone's day around. And when someone does something kind to you, you're more likely to get motivated to do something kind for another person. That's what paying it forward is all about.
If you have kids, it's extremely important to teach you kids how to be kind not just to those close to them but also to people they may not know well like other classmates. So here are a few ways you can be kind in honor of Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17th.
Monday, February 11, 2019
Ah, the master bedroom. The place where you go to relax and rest your head after a long and hectic day. But what happens when your master bedroom is a source of chaos and stress because you have limited space and feel cramped but also have issues with making it look nice? Well, I'm going to explain to you how to style a basic master bedroom so you have plenty of space and a relaxed environment so you can get your best night's sleep.
Home Decor
Thursday, February 7, 2019
No matter how busy or frugal your life is, you MUST always allow time to plan date nights for you and your spouse. It's important to get some time to yourselves to decompress and get out and about. But the problem is, a lot of us don't want to spend a ton of money on fancy date nights every other weekend. So I've put together a list of 40 budget friendly date night ideas for you to choose from!
date night,
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Imagine coming home from work to a neat and tidy house where everything has a place and you know that exact place. Your home basically looks pretty darn close to a staged home that you're trying to sell and you have no anxious feelings from random clutter piles on every open space and surface. Sound too good to be true? Well, it's not.
If you haven't heard of the Konmari Method right now, you MUST be living under a rock. I've talked before about tips and benefits for the KonMari Method on the blog but recently Marie Kondo's show, Tidying Up, on Netflix premiered and it seems to be motivating everyone to declutter and tidy their homes and lives.
If you haven't heard of the Konmari Method right now, you MUST be living under a rock. I've talked before about tips and benefits for the KonMari Method on the blog but recently Marie Kondo's show, Tidying Up, on Netflix premiered and it seems to be motivating everyone to declutter and tidy their homes and lives.
free printable,
Free Printables,
konmari method,
Monday, February 4, 2019
So you have a budget in place, but for some reason you're coming up short every month and you keep having random emergencies pop up like car maintenance or ordering new contact lenses. have SO many people that ask me why they are still struggling with finances even though they have somewhat of a budget. Just because you made a budget does not mean your finances will be in order because you need to make sure a few things are done and in place PLUS you need to take action on certain things.
So today I'm going to tell you why your budget isn't working and what you need to fix.
>>> And before we start - if you need a budget template - get one for free right here! <<<
Friday, February 1, 2019
We just got over Christmas and racking our brains for ideas but now it's almost Valentine's Day! Sometimes I get so flustered trying to come up with a good idea when there's a timeline of pressure on me so this year I wanted to help you guys out by giving you a few suggestions for Valentine's Day gifts for your loved one if you're feeling stuck on what to get.
Gift Guide,
gift ideas,
valentine's day