Christmas 2019 Recap
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Saturday, December 28, 2019
The internet is rammed with tips for how to organize your home. There’s advice on everything, from how to store your shoes to preventing your toothpaste lid from drying up.
Unfortunately, none of this advice is particularly helpful unless you have an overriding strategy: a set of tools that you’ll use to win the war on clutter.
Getting on top of your home organization is about more than using storage solutions. It takes a holistic approach. You need to treat your home more like a business than somewhere your family hangs out.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Repurposing. It could be the key to helping us to lead a more sustainable, less wasteful and potentially more cost effective life. For example, distressing damaged or worn furniture can help you to get more life out of it while keeping a shabby chic theme running through your home. Tissue and baby wipe boxes can be repurposed to store just about anything.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
When people are struggling with their mental health, they often turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. It’s important that you find positive ways to manage your mental health because relying on these coping mechanisms will only make your situation worse. This is often the reason that people’s mental health deteriorates further, especially if they do not seek professional treatment. If you are struggling with your mental health, it is important that you avoid these unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Image Source - Pexels CCO License
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Keeping a theme running through your home for your decor is important to some people, and if you are one of these people, then you might be wondering how it is possible to do this! With so many rooms in the house, it can feel like a challenge to ensure that each room in the home matches with the others. Well, we have got some advice for you down below, so keep reading if you want to find out more.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
So many people are struggling financially these days and for those younger ones that want to apply for further education, they can be very overwhelmed and sad and even turned off by the idea of not being able to afford an education. So in order to motivate the youth and help keep those of ALL ages motivated, I wanted to make a post about how you can look for an affordable education.
Monday, December 16, 2019
What is Opportunity Cost?
Have you ever come home from a really long and chaotic day at work and you feel lazy and unmotivated? You then realize you will of course have to eat dinner at some point this evening but you have no motivation to cook. So you decide you’ll order delivery and your eyes are bigger than your stomach so you order too much PLUS you ordered some of the worst food possible for your body, completely throwing off your 10 day long record of staying on your health eating plan. You also were out of money in your cash envelope for dining out, but it’s okay because you took money from your car maintenance fund, even though your car is getting inspected before your next pay day so now you’ll have to make up for the money you took from THAT category. So was it worth it? Either way, this is a great example of opportunity cost.
Opportunity cost is when you make a decision to choose one option over another and then dealing with the consequences whether they are financial, health, or lifestyle.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The festive period is sold to us as consumers as a time to eat, drink and be merry, spend lots and generally let your hair down. And as nice as this can be, it can also cause problems. Here are a few ways many of us can overdo things.
2020 Will Be Your Year
You can change your life at any time, but the New Year does mark a particularly good opportunity. And we’re not just moving into any old new year; this is an entirely new decade, so it’s an even better time than normal. It doesn’t matter what has happened before: when 2020 rolls around, you’ve got a chance to create your own, awesome life. But of course, you shouldn’t just expect this to happen -- you’ll need to will it into existence. Below, we take a look at a few tried and tested tips that’ll lead you to become a better version of yourself in the coming year.
Friday, December 13, 2019
Credit cards can be good or evil, depending on how you use them. They can provide emergency funds in a pinch, or they can leave you in debt that you'd have to win the lottery to repay. If you're in the market for a new credit card, here are six things that you should consider before you apply.
How To Work on Being Happier in Just 21 Days
Happiness is a word that gets thrown around pretty heavily whether it’s with inspirational quotes, advice from your life coach or therapist, or you make the realization yourself that you just need to and want to be happier. I get it, life isn’t roses and butterflies and it shouldn’t be because the tough times are what make us stronger and help us grow as a person. Before you roll your eyes at this post, just hear me out! I will also post at the end of this and tell you how I transformed my own life this way which is why everyone’s always like “you’re always so positive!”. Yea, I am, and it’s easy now.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Whether you refer to yourself as a pet parent or dog owner, you have a responsibility to your pup to look after them in the best way possible. Of course, this doesn't just mean by providing the basics such as food and shelter. In fact, there are some other very important elements of being a responsible pet owner as well. Read on to find out what they are.
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Training your dog.
First of all, a responsible owner will always train their dog. In fact, an untrained dog can be a hazard to their own and other people's safety. Not to mention the damage they can do to your home. That is why it is so essential to make sure that your dog will obey the commands they are given. Both on and off the lead.
Of course, correctly educating a dog can be a challenging and time-consuming process, especially for someone that has no experience doing so.
Happily, sending your pup to dog training school can help overcome such issues. In fact, some schools allow the dog to board there for two weeks, and at the end of the course, will have them trained and ready to come home. Something that can make it a lot easier for those without the time or experience to make sure their dog is trained to a high standard and is therefore as safe as possible.
Spending time with your dog.
Dogs are social animals, that would actually live in packs in they weren't in our homes. This means that long swathes of time alone without any company and stimulation can actually be very difficult for them to deal with.
In fact, your dog will see you as the alpha of the pack, and so will want to spend time with you. Therefore making sure you set enough of this aside both for play and rest is crucial if you are to be a responsible owner.
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Making sure your home and garden is safe for your dog.
Another task that a responsible dog owner needs to complete is to make sure that their home and outdoor space is safe for their canine pals. Sadly, there are quite a few hazards in the house and garden that can pose a risk to your dog's health, such as poisonous plants, and even human food like chocolate left around the home.
To that end, checking your garden and home before you get a dog is crucial. Oh, and regularly making sure that no additional hazards have popped up is important too.
Taking care of your dog's health.
Finally, as a responsible dog owner, one of our most significant obligations will be to take care of our dog's physical health. Of course, part of this is ensuring they have a proper diet, enough exercise, and live in a safe environment, as discussed above.
Additionally, regular trips to the vet for checkups and fast access to necessary treatment is vital as well. Oh, and for those with pure-breed dogs, educating yourself on what illnesses and issues they are likely to be susceptible to is definitely the responsible thing to do.
How To Save Money on Your Hobbies
If you have a particular hobby that interests you and that you’re passionate about, it’s only natural that you will want to spend as much time as possible doing the things you love. With many of us working longer hours than ever before, it’s important that you have some pleasures in life. While some hobbies can be easy on the wallet, others may be expensive to pursue, so here are a few things you can do to save money on your hobbies.
How Speaking Can Grow Your Business
Often times we talk about different marketing tactics to spread the word about your business or service and the best advertising venues and social media strategies. But there’s another way to promote what you do and that’s simply by speaking. This isn’t a new tactic by any means because obviously before the internet, speaking was a huge way to spread the word to folks.
A Beautiful Home And A Pet: Is It A Paradox?
Have your children been begging you for a dog? Perhaps, it’s you who wants to bring a furry friend into the home. So, what’s stopping you?
Well, for many people it will be the idea of a home that ends up looking like a disaster zone. You’ve probably heard of the horror stories about what happens once you welcome a dog home. Perhaps your neighbor’s pet destroyed their furniture and maybe your cousin’s constantly looks like a bombshell has gone off that was filled with dog toys.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Running our home is one of the most expensive outgoings these days. When you bought your home and made that exciting leap onto the property ladder, you might not have considered how much it costs to keep a house going. And while utility bills slowly creep up with every year, this means we have got to figure out the best ways to minimize the costs we have control over. So what are these, and what can we do to minimize them?
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Giving birth to a baby is an amazing experience, but it can be incredibly hard on your body. A hectic schedule and exhaustion can make it hard to get your body back to its pre-pregnancy state. Fortunately, there are some ways you can revive your postpartum body and feel great about yourself both as a mom and a woman.
Why It’s So Important to Take Care of Your Back
We totally take our back for granted these days. We work it hard, don’t rest enough, don’t listen to it when it hurts, and eventually we just give up altogether. But in order to understand why everyone tells you to be kind to your back, you need to understand why it’s so important.
For starters your back is almost always in use. When you are sleeping, your laying on your side or back or stomach, but it affects your spine and your spine’s alignment as you rest. If you’ve ever woken up with neck pain you’ll realize quickly it may have been that your pillow is going flat or you just had your neck twisted an awkward position while you slept.
We also use our back to hold us up when we sit, help us balance when we walk, and of course when you’re moving and exercising your affecting your back.
So how can you take better care of your back and why should you? Well…
Monday, December 9, 2019
We all know that most people usually make New Year's resolutions, but they normally are focused on a vague goal like losing weight rather than specifying the exact number of pounds and the time period. But let me tell you, financial resolutions are very important and when you put enough detail into it, you can make a plan to achieve your goals and knock out your financial resolution. So today, I am asking you to commit to 1 or more financial resolutions.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Gift Guide,
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Tips for First Time Home Buyers
So you’re sick of renting and it’s time to buy a house but you’re nervous because let’s be honest, you’re on a low income and the housing market and the entire home buying process is extremely overwhelming. Here are some tips for first time home buyers to help you along the way.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
If you are struggling with your finances, then you already know how stressful the holidays can be, so I'm not going to remind you. But, I AM going to give you some suggestions on super budget friendly options for gifts for your family and friends. There are plenty of options so seriously consider one of these instead of going into debt just to buy stuff for someone else.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Acquiring a new home should be an exciting experience. However, most homebuyers are often left kicking themselves for having made a mistake during the inspection. No one wants to discover that their new home has plumbing problems shortly after moving in. A home inspector is needed to uncover any potential issues before you move into a new house. Here is what to consider when searching for home inspection in Austin.
Whether you opt for a single inspector or an established company, make sure that whoever examines your new home is insured. One of the crucial questions to ask when interviewing a potential home inspector is whether he or she has adequate coverage. However, some home inspectors can carry on their business without insurance, depending on the legislative requirements in their area. The reason not to work with uninsured inspectors is that they can try to hold the homeowner liable in case they are injured while at work.
Asking for references when hiring a service is always worthwhile, and home inspection services are no exception. Ask for references from at least three clients to get an idea of the level of service they will provide. Asking for references is a great idea, but note that most home inspectors will probably refer you to their most satisfied clients. That’s why it is crucial to also read online reviews from third-party sites.
Of course, no one wants to spend more than they budgeted for on a home inspection. Shop around to find a reliable and trustworthy home inspector that fits within your budget. Get a detailed description of what each home inspector offers and compare their charges. A more thorough home examination is worth investing in, and so is an inspection service that offers years of professional experience and excellent reviews.
Reputable home inspectors led by DBL Check set themselves apart with their thorough and quick inspection services. You want a home inspector that can go over the "bones" of the home and give you an adequate picture of the property's true condition. Don't pick the inspector that promises the quickest in and out. You want a balance between being thorough and efficient.
Buying a new house is, to most people, one of the most significant investments of their life. Make sure that your new home is inspected before you sign on the dotted line. There are many home inspection companies out there, so shop around to find a company that has your best interests at heart.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Home Decor
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Puerto del Carmen, like many other areas in Lanzarote, was once just a humble fishing village, but now it offers so much more for families, couples and groups of friends alike.
Situated by the coast on the southern central part of the island, Puerto del Carmen is a mere 10-minute drive from the nearest airport and is conveniently located for exploring other areas in Lanzarote if you so wish to do so.
However, there is definitely enough going on in Puerto del Carmen itself to keep you occupied for the entire duration of your stay; whether that be a long weekend, a week or a coveted 14-day break.
Nourish Yourself with the Amerian Farmer Produce Box
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Imagine for a moment, FRESH produce delivered to your door, all year round! And that produce….your purchase of it directly supports American Farmers. That sounds amazing doesn’t it? Personally, I get so frustrated trying to find decent produce at my local stores and using it before it goes bad since it’s already half way gone by the time I actually purchase it. This has always been a problem for me, so I end up eating not enough vegetables and fruits and it’s just a vicious cycle. Which is why American Farmers is my new hero. Customer can get a weekly, bi-weekly, or even a monthly box delivered straight to their doorstep. Each week, the head farmer picks what will be in the box and by purchasing from American Farmers you are directly supporting the farmers.
Imagine for a moment, FRESH produce delivered to your door, all year round! And that produce….your purchase of it directly supports American Farmers. That sounds amazing doesn’t it? Personally, I get so frustrated trying to find decent produce at my local stores and using it before it goes bad since it’s already half way gone by the time I actually purchase it. This has always been a problem for me, so I end up eating not enough vegetables and fruits and it’s just a vicious cycle. Which is why American Farmers is my new hero. Customer can get a weekly, bi-weekly, or even a monthly box delivered straight to their doorstep. Each week, the head farmer picks what will be in the box and by purchasing from American Farmers you are directly supporting the farmers.
4 Ways To Organize & Store Shoes
The trickiest part of organizing your wardrobe always seems to be the shoes. That's because shoes come in all shapes and sizes and styles so there's really no one size fits all (get it?) solution. In my own closet I use several different methods of organizing and today I'm going to share them with you.
Tips for Keeping Your Home Super Clean When You Share with Dogs
Dogs can be an excellent addition to any family. They’ll help you get more exercise, give you something to love, and offer loyalty and support when you need it. Your dog will be a lifelong friend, and there are many advantages to owning a dog. But, some things might put you off. You might worry about your home for one.
At some point in your life, you’ve probably been to the home of a friend with a dog, to find that their whole house smells like a dog, there are hairs everywhere, and there’s a general air of pet all over. It doesn’t have to be like this, however. There are also homes where you’d find it hard to tell that a dog lived there unless you saw it or its possessions. Let’s take a look at some ways to keep your home super clean when you’ve got a dog.
Learn More About Your Dog
Dogs aren’t all the same. Much like people, they have different habits and natures. Some dogs shed a lot of hair. Others shed less than long-haired people. Some are lazy. Others love running around outside and are always on the go. Some dogs like to be messy and hate being groomed, and others actually prefer to be clean. Learn more about caring for a great dane, or whichever dog you are interested in, and you’ve already got a head start on keeping your home clean.
Keep the Dog Clean
The cleaner your dog, the cleaner your home will be. Make sure your dog has regular baths, and that you keep them calm during bath times so that you can shampoo them effectively. Then, pat them dry with a clean towel, to stop them smelling like, well, a wet dog.
Groom Them
Many breeds of dog shed hair. If you spend time brushing them regularly, this is when they will lose most of their hair. It will be easy to control. If you never brush them, they’ll shed all over.
Keep Pet Wipes Near the Front Door
Dogs need walking, but while they are out on walks, they pick up mud and dirt. They might also walk in leaves and other debris, especially in the winter. But, unlike humans, they don’t remove shoes and other outdoor wear by the door. So, keep some pet wipes and a clean towel by your door so that you can wipe them as soon as they get in before they walk dirt all over the house.
Choose the Right Household Cleaners
When buying household cleaners, from sprays and detergents, to vacuum cleaners, make sure you get ones that are suitable for pet hair. Invest in the tools that you need to keep your home clean, and it will be much easier.
Choose Easy to Clean Fabrics and Materials
It’s also worth investing in easy to clean fabrics and materials. A wooden floor is easier to keep clean than a thick, wooden carpet, and a leather sofa is easier to wipe clean than fabric.
Control Clutter
Dogs, like children, come with plenty of toys and other paraphernalia. Make sure you’ve got easy to use storage so that you can keep things tidy.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
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Whether you’re houseproud or not, cleaning is something that everyone has to engage with on a regular basis. It’s what keeps our homes not only presentable, but hygienic and sanitary too. Now, we’ve generally got the day to day chores and tasks down to a tee after years of practice and experience. But there are many cleaning tasks out there that many of us are less familiar with and may not have considered carrying out before. Either that, or we’re not sure how to carry them out correctly, so become hesitant. The good news is that we’re here to help! Here are just a few different areas of in-depth domestic cleaning that you should seriously consider getting involved with!
Carpet Cleaning
Chances are you run the vacuum around your carpets on a regular basis. But considering your carpet may get ground in dirt, this isn’t always sufficient. Remember that people walk over the carpets in your home on a day to day basis. Whether that’s yourself, family members, friends, other guests or pets - there are a lot of people coming in from the outdoors and walking on your carpet. Now, there are steps you can take to reduce the amount of dirt that builds up. You can remove your shoes and ask your guests to remove their shoes before stepping inside. You can also wipe pets paws when they come in from the outdoors. But when it comes down to it, dirt is always going to gradually build up in your carpet regardless of how careful you may be. Remember that while vacuuming is great for picking up surface dirt from your floors, it doesn’t clean the carpet itself. It would also take you a really long time to tackle a whole carpet with just a sponge and cleaning solution by hand yourself. The answer is to either hire a professional carpet cleaning machine, which you can use to shampoo your carpets, or you can hire a professional carpet cleaner to do all of the work on your behalf. Both options are effective!
Cleaning Mattresses
When we think of cleaning, we don’t tend to think of cleaning mattresses. An in-depth mattress clean doesn’t really form part of many of our regular cleaning routines. Really, you need to change your mattress once every eight years, as dirt builds up and the quality reduces. However, there are times that you may need to scrub your mattress due to spills. In these situations, it’s important that you clean your mattress properly. It can't just be thrown in the wash, so you’re going to have to look into how to clean your mattress properly yourself! Start by rubbing your mattress with a high quality, non-toxic fabric cleaner or a specialist upholstery cleaner. If you’re wary of a product you’re using, it may be a good idea to test it out on a small area that’s not so visible. If your mattress has any odours, you can easily remove by using a little bicarbonate of soda. Simply sprinkle this over the mattress, leave it for a little while, and then vacuum the bicarbonate of soda. Allow your mattress air dry and make sure you leave it until it is thoroughly dry before putting any bedding on top or using it.
Cleaning Specialist Items
We’re all familiar with how to clean things we’ve been using our whole lives. We know how to wash a dish. We know how to mop the floor. We know how to wipe down a sink. But sometimes we can feel a little lost when it comes to cleaning items we’re unfamiliar with or have only just started using. You may not know how to clean a chemex, a spiraliser, or other bits and bobs that have just come into fashion. When in doubt, it’s always best to do a little research or to contact the manufacturer of a product that you’re unsure how to clean. This will prevent you from making mistakes, which could hurt you or damage the item you’re attempting to clean. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. There are often videos and articles out there on how to clean very specific items for the best results.
Window Cleaning
Many of us only clean our windows from the inside. We give it a quick wipe down with some window cleaning solution and a window cleaning cloth. But it’s important to remember that both sides of a window get dirty. In fact, the outside of your window is much more likely to build up dirt than your interior windows, as it’s going to be exposed to the elements. Wind can blow all sorts of dirt and muck up the windows. So, it’s important you give your property’s exteriors a little TLC too! There really isn’t much point just cleaning one side of a transparent surface! Now, cleaning the outside of windows can often be difficult due to accessibility issues - especially if the window isn’t on a ground floor. This is why, generally speaking, it’s best to leave this work to the professionals. Call in a professional window cleaner. They’ll have the equipment, expertise and experience to complete this job to the best standard possible. Your windows will be left sparkling and you won’t risk hurting yourself in the process. Never underestimate the impact that clean windows can have on your home!
These are just a few different areas of in-depth domestic cleaning that we should all be engaging with. Sure, you might not carry them out as regularly as polishing surfaces and vacuuming your living spaces. But they are important and keeping on top of them can make your living space truly sparkle! Hopefully, the above advice will help you to achieve this!


Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Today, I wanna talk about gossip...something that is always a touchy subject, depending on who you ask of course. There are those who say you should NEVER speak about others in gossip, those who say it's normal, and those that are in me. So what is gossip, why do we do it, and is it really all that bad?
Monday, November 18, 2019
So you found a house you love. You made an offer on it. It's been accepted. Now what? Now it's time to get an inspection. An inspector is trained to see things that you cannot see with your naked eyes, things like HVAC that's shot, the roof is shoddy, things that will cost you a lot of money down the line. You may pay a few hundred dollars, but it will give you peace of mind and ensure you're not buying a run-down property.
Maybe you bought a fixer upper and you thought you were going to do a lot of it yourself. You may be a huge fan and advocate of DIY. But when you get into the contents of a wall with wires and plumbing and things that have a lot of legalities or could kill you, that's when you need to call the professionals. A contractor is necessary for those things.
The Bathroom
The bathroom is the first thing you should check. You may have to fix the cracks in the foundation. If you bought a fixer upper or a house with a lot of potential for renovations, you may want to do the fun stuff. But it is better to focus on the items that are going to determine the health of the house. For instance, what about the HVAC system? Is it in good working condition? Are you having water or mildew issues coming in through the attic? Maybe you need to replace that roof. It's not glamorous, but somebody's got to do it. Some of the tools you may need include a Generac.Maybe you bought a fixer upper and you thought you were going to do a lot of it yourself. You may be a huge fan and advocate of DIY. But when you get into the contents of a wall with wires and plumbing and things that have a lot of legalities or could kill you, that's when you need to call the professionals. A contractor is necessary for those things.
Finding a Contractor
How do you find a good contractor? Get good references. Make sure that if you're going to have them do some work, it's all spelled out in the contract with an itemized list of what they're going to do and when you'll give financial disbursements. Never pay a contractor upfront for work that hasn't been done.Budget
For a renovation budget, you really don’t need to have one. It is not easy to establish your renovation budget, as every project goes over the estimate and takes longer.Inspecting a House For Purchase
What can sour the deal of your new house? If you ever saw water damage, you can repair that quickly. However, anything wrong with the foundation is a big red flag because if the foundation is broken, the whole house is broken. It is foundation that holds up the house. The only two things that would make you back out of a deal would be the shoddy electrical or real plumbing issues. Everything else can be fixed.Thanksgiving Outfit Ideas
Outfit Ideas
Friday, November 15, 2019
So you're trying hard to live on a healthy budget and build up a savings, but you're stuck with a mountain of credit card debt that's holding you back. Most people start to panic and feel like there's no hope. Some people just stop paying their credit card debt because it's already overdue and they don't have the money but that just makes it much worse. Before you freak out and decide you need to just go into hiding or file for bankruptcy you need to calm down and take a deep breathe. If you can take the time to figure out how to move forward, you can actually find a lot of relief not just for your finances but for yourself. Here are 3 great finance solutions to help you get back on track.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Is it gets colder this winter you might be thinking that the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is to stay inside and to keep warm? Mothers and Grandmothers and their mothers before them have warned that you would catch your death of cold if you go out in cold temperatures and while they're usually right about most things, this is one that is simply not true. If your children play outside in the cold, they will probably get a runny nose as this is the way the body naturally excretes bacteria in cold conditions. However, they won't get much else as you can only catch a cold from another person. Just because the temperatures are a little bit uncomfortable doesn't mean you need to be stuck inside all winter, there are many benefits to why you should don your sherpa pullover, your winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves and get out there.
To Fight the Winter Blues
Being outside, especially during winter months, can combat obesity and depression that comes from spending too much time indoors. When the days are shorter and darker, many people feel trapped inside, but getting outside and seeing a little sunlight can work wonders,
Exercising also causes your brain to release epinephrine, or adrenaline, and norepinephrine, which make us happy. And getting active in the cold can cause your brain to release even more of the substances, so don't be afraid to have a snowball fight, it just might cheer you up. It's also an opportunity to be mindful, so if you're going out for that walk, leave your phone at home because a brisk mindful walk outside while being present and noticing your experience will boost dopamine levels too.
It can improve your memory
Did you know that a walk in the park can improve your memory? According to a study from the University of Michigan which was testing how scenery affected the brain's cognitive function, researchers found that those who walked around an arboretum showed an improved ability to recall by almost 20 per cent, while another group who walked around the city didn't really improve. According to one of the researches, Interacting with nature can have similar effects as meditating, Marc Berman said in a University of Michigan newsletter that People don't even need to enjoy the walk to get the benefits from it, he said: "We found the same benefits when it was 80 degrees and sunny over the summer as when the temperatures dropped to 25 degrees in January. The only difference was that participants enjoyed the walks more in the spring and summer than in the dead of winter."
You Can Enjoy Winter Activities
As well as going out for walks, you can have so much fun with your family. Try ice skating, skiing and sledging, build a snowman or making snow angels. Have fun with your family and stay active. Even if it doesn't snow, going out for a family walk, making a nature trail or playing a game of football in the cold are great ways to have fun together.
What Breed Of Dog Should You Get?
Dogs are wonderful, loving creatures who deserve a lot of care and attention. And if you’re willing to give a dog all of your love and a lot of your time in the future, it might be the perfect time to go out and adopt one! But before you do, it might be worth looking into the breeds of dogs there are out there, and which one might be right for you.
So, to help you in your quest to find the best pooch to keep you company, we’ve listed a few thinking points below that you should go over. You never know what a dog is going to be like when you bring them home, but there’s a lot of research you can rely on to estimate how they’ll react to their new environment!
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It Can Depend on Your Age
The breed of your dog you want to look into getting might just depend on how old or young you feel - some dogs have a lot of energy, some don’t, and some just love to cuddle with your on your lap, whilst others prefer to lie in front of the fireplace. Knowing the activity levels of the dog breeds you’re interested in ahead of time is key to making sure an adoption works out right, and you’re never feeling too pulled along by the pooch you’ve welcomed into your home.
The internet is a very handy place for research like this. If you want to go a bit more in depth right now, you can look into lists such as the best dog breeds for seniors, or even just ask around your friends who seem to be dog veterans for their experiences with different breeds.
It Definitely Depends on the Space You Have!
If you’re going to bring a breed of dog home that generally tends to grow to a large size, such as a German Shepherd or a Husky, you’re going to need the space to keep up with them. When dogs grow, they grow fast, and that little puppy in your arms won’t stay that way forever!
Which means you need to do some research into what kinds of dogs would fit into your home. Of course, if you have a tiny apartment, you can still bring a large sized dog home, but it will be a tight fit, and they will require a lot more exercise than usual.
And Don’t Forget About the Time You Spend at Home
A dog shouldn’t be left on their own for too long, so keep that in mind - you’ll need to be around for your dog, no matter what breed they are. If you work a lot away from home, or if you travel a lot, it might be best to wait until your life settles down a little more before adopting.
If you’re looking to get a dog, you’ll definitely need to pick by breed. Some are better for your way of life than others.