Don’t Let Stress Get The Best Of You

Monday, April 30, 2018

Oh my God! I’m so stressed out I can’t even relax!

If this sounds like the kind of things you would say, then it’s time to find a way out of this vicious circle. The problem with stress is that it can rapidly take over your entire life and turn it into an unhealthy and terrifying nightmare. In reality, stress is nothing more than the way people react to a situation that didn’t go as planned. Let’s be honest about it: Bad things do happen. But while you can’t stop them, you can certainly change the way they affect your mood – and ultimately your health and sanity. The best way to take a stance and fight stress is to understand exactly how it affects you, changes your behavior or damages your relationships. You’re not yourself when you’re stressed. So it’s best to find easy and accessible solutions to reduce your stress levels and be yourself again.

Find coping mechanisms

There are excellent coping mechanisms to release the tensions caused by stress. For instance, a lot of people find that high-intensity sports are great to erase the stress at the end of a long day. If you’re a gym addict, you’ll find that 20 minutes on the treadmill can do wonder to forget everything about a meeting that went poorly! But not everyone picks healthy coping strategies. It’s not uncommon to try to find comfort in first a glass of wine, which can rapidly turn into a second glass, or a third, until it finally becomes a bottle. In the long term, you might find yourself unable to go through the day without. Yet, it doesn’t mean that your body can actually gain relief from it. On the contrary, your stress levels are only muted, and they risk increasing if you don’t keep the glasses coming. In other words, you might need help from a professional
health recovery centre to break the vicious circle. In other words, how you choose to cope can affect your physical experience of stress. 

It should never come between you and the people you love

Is there anything more precious than a
happy relationship that is unique to you and your partner?

Of course, there isn’t. But when you’re stressed, you’re not in the right state of mind. Consequently, you might find yourself saying or doing things you wouldn’t do in normal circumstances. Stress, as it happens, can lead to depression which isolates you from the people you love. If you find yourself struggling with a difficult situation at work or in your everyday life, don’t keep it hidden from your partner. Share your worries to protect your connection.

It only a matter of finding the right solution

Stress occurs when a problem presents itself. But, ultimately, stress delays you from finding a solution to the problem. To put it in other words, people who choose to
develop their problem-solving skills tend to experience less stress. Indeed, they tackle issues creatively and effectively as they happen. As a result, there is no room for stress.

In conclusion, stress is only destructive for as long as you let it rule your life. You can ask for help to cope, talk about it with your partner or simply consider how to solve your issues. All these strategies reduce your stress levels and improve your life!

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Books I Recommend You Read [April]

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Warm weather is here and I've been able to do some really good reading on the porch this month.  Check out some of my favorite books I read. 

The Queen of Hearts by Kimmery Martin
This was a really good read that takes place in the current times and flashes back to about 20 years ago when the two main characters Zadie and Emma are med students.  There's a bit of scandal and some tragedy.  As the truth comes out and begins to unfold and shocking things are revealed you get to experience how both of the main characters deal with it since the book is told from both of their perspectives.

Girl Unknown by Karen Perry
This was a really good book that unraveled pretty quickly.  A girl appears at David's door claiming to be his daughter but is she really? The story is told through the wife and the husband's point of view which gives great insight into their interactions with this mysterious girl, Zoe.  Everything starts to explode towards the end. Great read!

An American Marriage by Tayari Jones
This was such a good book about an African American couple that get split up for several years when Roy gets accused of rape and sent to prison.   Celestial is trying to move on with their life but then Roy gets released from prison and it's time to see if everything can be mended. It's a gut wrenching look at modern times and relationships.

The Bad Daughter by Joy Fielding
Joy Fielding does it again with a thrilling novel about a family that is full of messed up scenarios like a father marrying his son's fiancĂ©.  When someone shoots the father and his wife and step daughter, the other siblings are under suspicion.  This book has a really sick twist but I love it!

Fire Sermon by Jamie Quatro
This book took my breathe away. It's a very poetic and romantic read about an affair and how it carries through the lives of both of the people involved, and how the woman is tormented by what could have been.  I was seriously almost in tears at the end because that's how beautiful it was. It was a very nice quick read.

Nourish: How to Heal Your Relationship with Food, Body, and Self by Heidi Schauster, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S
This was a great book especially with everything I've dealt with when it comes to binge-eating.  This book takes you through a 10 step process, if you will, of how to understand your relationship with food as a human being.  It does a great job of discussing why dieting almost never works in the long run, why you should feed yourself what you crave rather than deny yourself, and how you can love your body and properly care for your health at the same time.  I've always struggled with sticking to a diet routine but my brain and my emotions don't function right.  This book taught me about balance and it's really made everything so much clearer for me to see.  It's not hard when you understand how the body works and how it uses what we put in it.


Winter Sisters by Robin Oliveira

I really enjoyed this book and the historical aspect of it since it took place in the 1800's.  The author does an amazing job describing each scene so you can really visualize it as you read. Two girls go missing during a winter storm.  Once they're found there are some horrific findings and everyone is determined to find out what they really endured in their time away.  I love how it shows the strengths of a family not giving up hope while looking for their missing members and I did enjoy the chaos that occurred once the truth came to light.  This was a really thrilling read.

The Family Next Door by Sally Hepworth
This was a pretty easy read but it definitely was one I didn't want to put down.  It's about several people and how their lives intersect in tragic and heartbreaking ways.  There are affairs that leave questions to be asked and questions about who belongs to whom when it comes to mothers and daughters. I loved the twist and the ending.

Here We Lie by Paula DeBoard
This was a really great book that's told by the two main characters while jumping from present to past.  It's about two girls that are best friends in college and how a tragic incident splits them up.  I love that the book leads up to an intense realization of the truth.

The Neighbors by Hannah Mary McKinnon
Oh my gosh this book was amazing! It's about a woman whose former boyfriend ends up moving into the house next to her and her family.  They try to keep their past a secret but things start to unravel.  A lustrous affair begins and tragedy eventually strikes.  This book made my heart shiver.

After Anna by Lisa Scottoline
This was a really good book told in the past and present.  A woman is contacted by her daughter that she lost custody of many many years ago. She's ecstatic to be reunited.  But the daughter throws everything off kilter in the family and eventually ends up dead.  Her step-dad is pinned as the murderer but things take a crazy turn with a lot of deception.

Beautiful Illusion by Christie Nelson
This was a really unique book because it was a mix of stuff from history and a fictional storyline.  It's about a relationship that develops between a man and a super strong minded woman, Lily.  War is surrounding them but their love grows.  It's a very passionate storyline and I love the ending!

Check back next month for some more amazing reads!

Chewy 30 Day Challenge | Rachael Ray Nutrish | Final Thoughts

Friday, April 27, 2018

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So it's time to wrap up the April Chewy 30 Day Challenge with Rachael Ray Nutrish Peak Grain-Free Natural Wetlands Recipe from Chewy. The chicken, duck, and pheasant flavor was clearly a big hit because dinner time and breakfast are still dancing time in our home.  Yes, that's right, they begin to dance when they see the food pouring into their bowls!

Chewy even sent me some of the wet food for me to mix in with the regular dry kibble with my pups and it was great. I love the choice between dry or wet! This is by far one of my favorite food brands for my dogs.  I love that there is no more incessant licking of the paws and there is a whole lot less shedding.  

Their stools are even more regular than ever before and the smell isn't so horrid.  Keep in mind, my dogs go inside on pee pee pads so the smell is a very big deal in my household.  Many times I didn't even know they went because I couldn't smell it from the other room. 

Stella's been able to maintain a healthy weight on this food which means I can continue to keep her on this since I have the proper portion control figured out for her. 

I am definitely going to stick with this brand for a while.  I love the price, the packaging, the kibble itself, and the results I've seen with my dogs.  If you are looking for a new brand of food to try, please consider Rachael Ray Nutrish!

Practical Advice to Help You Boost Your Dating Confidence

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Dating is one of the most traditional ways to find a partner in life. In the past, it was all about meeting the right person at the right time, but with internet dating becoming so vast and popular, it’s actually fairly common to put yourself out there and head out on a date on a regular basis. However, you might not have the confidence yet to date several people in a week and you might find yourself lacking in self-esteem.

Meeting strangers can be tough, especially if you consider yourself an introvert. Luckily for you, we have the answers to that problem. To help you out, we’ve put together some practical advice that can help you boost your dating confidence so that it comes naturally and doesn’t feel embarrassing or awkward.
Source: Pexels

Do the unexpected, as long as it’s within reason

While you shouldn’t do something ridiculous such as dressing up as a clown and dancing in front of your date, you should always aim to be a little more exciting and unpredictable. Adding some extra spice to your date is a great way to impress them, and you can do this in a number of different ways. For instance, you could take your date to a place they’ve always wanted to go instead of a generic restaurant, or you could make them a personal gift that you made with your own two hands.

Work on all your five senses

You have to appease all of your date’s senses. Don’t just focus on looking great, consider how you smell as well. Don’t forget touch either. Soften those hands and make them a joy to hold when you’re out walking in the cold and try to change the way you speak so that it’s more friendly and approachable.

Source: Pexels

Let go of bad past experiences

Let’s face it, you’ve probably had a couple of bad dates in the past. Perhaps you didn’t get enough practice with your flirty comments and your date gave you a strange look, or perhaps the restaurant you visited wasn’t quite what your date expected and it went downhill from there. There are many places such as that will allow you to practice your chat-up lines and you should always look at reviews before you visit any place. This will help you minimize the bad experiences so that you have a better chance of impressing your date on the first try.

Don’t forget about your own feelings

Confidence is all about believing in yourself, but there are times when we can often lose sight of what we actually want and ultimately forget our own feelings. What is it that you want from a date? Are you looking for a partner, or is the human interaction just to heal the wounds from a bad relationship? Enjoy your relationships by reminding yourself about your own feelings–don’t lock them away.

We hope that this article has put you on the right track to boost your dating confidence. Dating a stranger isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but it can be made much simpler if you have the right guidance.
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Roof Restoration Tips For Homeowners

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

How often do you think about roof restorations? You may not even realise how important it is. But, roof restoration is a necessary process that homeowners need to be aware of so as to keep your roof in top condition.

There is nothing worse than having your roof checked and expecting it to last you for a 10 year period only to find that it really doesn’t. If you happen to need emergency roofing services, they are always available to you – but are you prepared for it? You need to make sure that your roof is intact as much as possible as it's the only thing separating you from everything outside. Your roof is literally the cherry on top of your home’s structure, protecting you from rain, sun, dirt and an array of other external factors.

Below, we look at 10 top tips for roof restoration.

1. Material

Choosing the right roofing material is important. Essentially, you should choose a quality material so that you can avoid frequent restorations and repairs in the long run. Reducing how often you need to do repairs is the first step in the restoration process, since inferior materials are only going to increase the likelihood of a roof replacement. Tiles offer excellent longevity; sustainability and they’re aesthetically pleasing.

2. Durable Material

Your quality roofing materials should also be modern. That’s because today’s materials are lighter, more durable and also more cost-effective. That means you can save on the cost of roofing materials and decrease the likelihood of frequent repairs.

3. Installation

It’s important to ensure that your roof installation is done properly. The right material and proper installation go hand in hand. It’s always a good idea to get the help of a professional who has both the qualifications and the experience with roof installations.

4. Frequent Reports

Try to get a roof report every couple of years. It can save you a great deal of money and ensure that issues are repaired before a full restoration becomes necessary. Overall, it’s always cheaper to restore your roof rather than completely replace it.

5. Keep the Roof Clean
Make sure you keep your roof clean so that moss, mildew and mould can’t build up. These can, with time, make a roof prone to breakage and must be stopped.

6. Concrete Sealant

The concrete sealant you use should also be of the highest possible quality. If you notice any leaks or spot dampness in your ceiling, it’s a good idea to call the professionals in right away. If the damage or leak isn’t extensive, it can usually be restored or repaired quickly rather than replacing the entire roof.

7. Paint

You should only ever use a durable, reliable paint to coat the roof, which will make it tougher and stronger. When you use a good quality paint, the roof can actually be more flexible to temperature changes. Talk to established Gold Coast master painters to find out more.

8. Talk to the Experts
If you do need a roof restoration, it’s advisable to hire a roofing company rather than repairing the roof on your own. It means you can have peace of mind that your roof is in safe and experienced hands.

9. The Right Tools

Do make sure that the roof restoration experts you use are using the right equipment, materials and tools for your roof.

10. Choose the Right Company

Finally, make sure you pick the right roofing company so that you do know your roof will be in safe hands and restored to a condition that will last for years to come.
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Common Mistakes People Make When Suffering With Back Pain

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Every year more and more people start to suffer from back pain, so many so that it’s become almost normal, especially as you start to get a little older. However, just because back pain is common and normal, it doesn’t mean that you should have to put up with it. Unfortunately, back pain differs from person to person, which means that there aren’t any one-size-fits-all remedies or solutions. Despite this, there are a few things that almost every back pain suffer has in common - The mistakes they make. Here are a few common mistakes you should avoid making if you want to ease your back pain.

1. Trying To Tough It Out

When most people start to suffer from back pain, they put up with it for a while and wait for it to go away, rather than going to speak to a doctor right away. The problem with this is that, the longer you wait, the less active you’ll become, and the weaker your body will be, which means that, by the time you eventually do go to the doctor, your symptoms will be a lot worse. It’s much more sensible to speak to professionals as soon as you can and get the problem dealt with.

2. Sticking With What Doesn’t Work

When you do visit the doctor, you should try everything they suggest, but you should also know when to stop listening to their advice. If you’ve been visiting the same doctor for months and months and you’ve seen no improvement in your current course of action, then ask for another treatment, or another doctor, if yours can’t come up with anything.

3. Getting Scared About Moving Around

When you’re in pain, it’s understandable that you might be scared about moving around and taking part in daily exercise, but it is incredibly important. There is so much research and so many studies out there that show exercise to reduce pain and boost your mood, so use this as motivation to get off the couch. A simple and short walk alone can do you a world of good.

4. Eating And Drinking Junk

When you’re in pain, it’s more important than ever to eat right. This is because unhealthy foods and drinks, like soda and cake, contain a lot of sugar, which causes your body to excrete magnesium, an element used to relieve pain. These sugar-filled snacks also fail to provide the energy you need for physical activities, making you less likely to take part in exercise.

5. You Don’t Do Any Research

Although health professionals are an essential part of your pain treatment, they aren’t going to know every possible solution out there. This is why it’s so important to take control of your own care and do some research yourself. If you find anything that seems interesting, then you can bring it up to your doctor and get their opinion.

When you’re suffering from back pain, even the simplest of tasks can seem impossible. Rather than put up with this, you need to take control, get the help you need, and avoid making any of the mistakes mentioned above.

How To Grow Your Pinterest

Over the past couple of months I've been sharing advice for bloggers and businesses for different aspects of your brand and social media.  We've talked about how to create interesting content on your blog, how to network on Twitter, and how to utilize Instagram despite all of the algorithm changes. Today it's time to discuss a very fun social network- Pinterest.  Pinterest is awesome because it uses visuals and it's so easy to share content.  It literally takes seconds and only a single click to pin something.  People are always searching Pinterest for answers, ideas, and inspiration. So how can you maximize your brand or business reach on Pinterest?  Well, here are a few tips.

Take Beautiful Photos
Photos are the selling point of a good pin so you have to pin the best photos from each of your posts.  Photos should be bright and easy to understand what they show.  Having a title on your graphic really helps catch the eye of the reader because they'll know what to expect when they click to your site.

Good Descriptions
The description area under each pin should describe what the reader will find by visiting your site and should contain relevant hashtags.  If you are trying to share a tutorial on easy wedding hair then make sure you use keywords and hashtags that relate to that. 

Pin Often
Every time you add a new blog post or a new photo, PIN IT! Pin it immediately and pin it often.  I go back through some of my most successful blog posts and re-pin the photos from them every month.  So much of my blog traffic comes from my pins so I know that regardless of the date, the post is still going viral.

Pin Other People's Photos
Share the love when it comes to growing your blog and Pinterest.  Share great content that other bloggers in your niche put out.  Everyone gets notifications of what pins get shared by whom so it can drive those pinners to visit your site and pin some of YOUR content.

Gain Pins and Followers with Giveaways
A great way to get noticed on Pinterest is to hold giveaway that have an entry where the person gets an extra entry for pinning your post.  Also you can require them to follow your Pinterest.  This is a super simple way to get your numbers to grow.   

Sell Yourself in Your Bio
The bio on your Pinterest page should tell readers what you pin, what you do, and why they will like your content.  Use a clear profile photo as well and include a link to your site.

Organize Your Boards
No one likes a cluttered page so make sure you organize all of your pins into different categories.  You can choose a description for each board and a main photo.  It's nice to have an organized Pinterest page so when people are looking through your boards they can find what they want.

Have a Pin Button on Your Site
If you don't already have a Pin button on your blog or website you need to Google how to add one.  Then there is really no excuse for people not to Pin your content.  There are buttons that can appear in the corner of a photo or even when you hover over top of the photo. 

So that all being said - Follow me on Pinterest and share a few of my pins.  And then leave a comment below with a link to YOUR Pinterest so I can follow you and return the favor! Also, other readers can join in.

What do you struggle with when it comes to Pinterest? Do you have any tips that I missed?

Ditching Bad Habits Can be Difficult, But Persistence Will Get You There

We all have certain bad habits that we know we ought to ditch. Maybe you’re still smoking even though you know the damage it does to your body. Or perhaps there’s a certain food that you know you eat way too much of, to the detriment of your health. No matter what your bad habits are, you can change them, no matter how hard it might seem to begin with. If you’re willing to persist and work hard, you’ll succeed. Here’s some more info on what you can do to change those bad habits of yours.

Clearly Envisage the Benefits of Changing

If you want to be sure that you’re going to succeed at this, you should look at the positives rather than focusing on the hardships. When you envisage the positives that are waiting for you at the end of this journey, it works as a form of motivation.

Find Replacements and Crutches

If you have a certain habit that you’re trying to ditch, it might be a good idea to find something that you can easily and quickly replace it with. For example, some people us e juice and vaping as a way to replace smoking. You could also slowly transition from that unhealthy food that you love to something more slimmed down and less calorific. This idea can provide a halfway house to your eventual end goal.

Take Inspiration From Others Around You Who Have Changed

There are plenty of other people who have been in the same situation you’re in right now. So why not take a leaf out of their book and let their stories inspire you. It could be exactly what you need. When you’ve seen proof that other people have achieved what you want to achieve, it spurs you on and shows you that just about anything is possible.

Let Go of the Past

Sometimes, you need to let go of the past before you can move forward. Many people’s bad habits are formed early in life, and they act as a form of comfort. These mental blockages can be harder to move past than any physiological addiction you might have. So it’s a good idea to talk to a professional that can help you move on from the past if that’s necessary.

When You Fail, Go Again and Do Better This Time

There are going to be times when you fail to achieve the things you wanted to. Perhaps you’ll relapse back into bad old habits that you know you’re trying to escape. When that happens, it doesn’t need to be the end of your journey. Instead, it should be the moment when you get back up, dust yourself down and go again. And this time, you should aim to go further than you did last time.

Making big changes in life is never easy, if they’re linked to bad habits and addiction, those changes only become even more difficult for you. You should be prepared to work hard, fail and try again if you’re going to get there. In the end, the only thing that will get you to where you want to be is persistence.

Fun Games For Younger Children

Monday, April 23, 2018

Keeping your kids entertained can be a nightmare and whilst sometimes it may seem impossible, it is anything but. There are plenty of games out there that cater to toddlers and it’s good to make use of them in this all-important time of development.


The Hokey-Pokey, otherwise known as Hokey-Cokey in the UK, is a classic game that teaches your kids how to remember the names of their body parts, right and left, and how to follow directions. To begin playing it, you will need to
teach your child the song and then you can begin singing and dancing whilst teaching them and entertaining them. Once the song has become easy for your child, and they know all of their body parts with ease, you may want to consider modifying the song. This allows you to teach them the names and body parts of animals and creatures that aren’t human, and it means you can keep playing until they lose interest.

Mobile Apps

If you have a modern mobile phone or a tablet, you can find many
interactive games for your kids to play. These games are great for teaching your child because they are often free and provide hours of stimulation and entertainment, without needing much input from yourself. This means you can sit back and relax for a change as your youngster’s cognitive ability improves.

 Board Games

Board games have had years of development and have been used to entertain children of all ages way before modern technology has been around. This means that there are numerous board
Games For 3 Year Olds which are specifically designed to target certain skills, or even a range of them. Being relatively easy to set up, easily transportable, and highly replayable, board games are a strong choice for teaching toddlers various skills such as cognitive skills, sharing, memory, teamwork, and more.

Bean-Bag Toss

Bean-bag toss is a game that helps develop motor skills and colour matching by throwing bean-bags into the appropriate areas. To set up the game you need a reasonable amount of space, some coloured bean-bags, and some coloured tape or string. Using the tape/string, you will create coloured spaces with a size of your choice and get your child to throw the bean-bags to the area that matches its colour. After playing this, you should notice an improvement in their ability to match colours and, hopefully, their ability to throw. There are various ways to make the game more difficult as your child becomes more skilled, such as extending the distance from the target and using multi-coloured bean-bags and areas.

Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a great way to let your kids use their energy whilst improving their ability to follow instructions, hone memory skills, and in some cases – boost teamwork. The basic objective of this game is to give your toddler a name of an object or a visual shape of an object and encourage them to look for one that fits that criteria. By doing so, they will learn various things depending on what task you gave them such as colour, shape, name, size and more.

It is recommended that you play some of these games in playgroups to encourage team work and to allow the games to be played to their full extent. Enjoy a relaxing reprieve in your busy schedule or a fun playtime with your kid!

What's All the Rage About CBD Hemp Oil? + A Giveaway

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If you haven't heard of CBD (Cannabidiol) Hemp Oil lately, then you must be living under a rock.  Everyone seems to be talking about using it and how beneficial it is.  So today's post is going to explain a lot of things you may be wondering.

What is CBD Hemp Oil?
CBD Hemp Oil is made from high-CBD, low-THC hemp.  Hemp only contains trace amounts of THC which means hemp oil products are non-psychoactive.

Is it legal?
Yes, because it contains no psychoactive ingredients.   

How is CBD Hemp Oil different from THC Oil?
CBD is found in the cannabis plant and it interacts with our naturally occurring systems without being psychotropic.  This means it doesn't cause a high.  So it's technically safer and less controversial than it's counterpart but it still offers significant health benefits.   

How does it help the body?
CBD interacts with your body's endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS) which regulars your body's general state of balance.   That means it impacts stuff like your mood, sleep, appetite, hormones, and pain/immune response.  This system is designed to correct your body's levels when they become imbalanced.  Your amazing body makes it's own cannabinoids! Unfortunately this day and age we as humans are doing little to support the health of this system because most of us don't have cannabinoids in our everyday diet. 

In what forms can you take CBD Hemp Oil?
It comes in so many different forms like capsules, gels, oils, and rubs. My favorite way to use it is topically in the form of Real Time Pain Relief HEMP Oil Plus.  

HEMP Oil Plus is an on the spot relief from pain and stiffness.  It's got a light feel and an invigorating smell and it's made with 4 new key ingredients - Turmeric Extract, Peppermint Oil, Wasabi Extract, and Hemp Oil.  Hemp Oil delivers antioxidants, fatty acids, and minerals to skin while Turmeric Extract has a positive affect on collagen and skin tissue.  Peppermint oil soothes and promotes blood flow leaving a nice little tingle while Wasabi Extract warms up stiff muscles and leaves an invigorating sensation on your skin. 

I love using this lotion every time I have super sore and tense muscles in my shoulders and neck from sleeping in a bad position.  It helps SO MUCH and gives me quick relief.  I also am very impressed at how much it helps my sore muscles after a really intense workout. It's got a much more pleasant scent than any other pain relief product I've tried. 

So today I have an exciting giveaway for you! You can see the benefits of Hemp Oil for yourself by entering to win a tube from Real Time Pain Relief! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway