How To Deal with Daylight Savings Time + Keep Your Spirits Up

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

You're sitting there enjoying all things Fall like the smell of the air, the colors of the leaves, and the fun pumpkin décor and then BAM! Suddenly it's getting dark RIGHT as you leave work so you basically didn't get to see the light of day first hand except through an office window, if you're lucky enough to have one.  Sure that extra hour of sleep is great but then you start feeling the early darkness blues.

5 Things You Didn't Know About Rats as Pets

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

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5 Things You Didn't Know About Rats as Pets

Let's be honest here and admit that there are plenty of people that feel squirmy when they even think of a rat in their home.  You may be one of them.  I think that people assume that ANY rat is basically the giant, gross, sewer rat you see on TV.  That's not the case.  Domesticated rats are nothing like that and to me they're no different than a gerbil or hamster (except that I like them better!). 

Sticky Situations You Can Avoid

Monday, October 29, 2018

Rather than saying can, we definitely should have said should! There are some situations in life that you just definitely need to stay clear of if you want to make sure that you’re living a long and happy life. We’re being serious as well, there really are some situations out there in life that can completely turn your world upside down. And they’re that sticky, that trying to get out of them can be like trying to get out of quicksand. Something you definitely don’t want to find yourself doing. So, to not panic you any more than we already have, and to stop the wonder in your mind, we’re going to show you just a few of the sticky situations that we think you should be avoiding, and how you can do it!

Books I Recommend You Read [October]

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Another great month of AMAZING reads. 

Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman
This was a drama filled book about a group of neighbors and the domestic drama they are all going through.  From a boring marriage to an affair to a lesbian romance.  This was a very realistic book that I felt like I could relate to.   I love stories like this!

Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
A great book about a girl that lives in a marsh after abandoned by her family. She becomes the suspect of a murder as the book jumps back in time to show you a glimpse at her love life. 


The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Hamilton
A great book about a man in real life that spent 30 years in death row for a crime he didn’t commit until he finally gets exonerated. I love how it shows the reality behind this type of situation, how common it is, and how even people in the worst of situations can do good for the world. 

The Dinner by Rebecca Serle
This book got a lot of hype and it's for good reason.  A woman is able to have dinner with several people from her past, some of them deceased.  The story bounces back to her past when these people played a significant role and to the present where she dines with Audrey Hepburn and several others. It's kind of sad too but not in a tragic way, just in a "I wish this could really happen" way.

The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins
Mel Robbins writes an inspiring book about how using her 5 Second Rule can change your life in a matter of 5 seconds.  The practice itself forces your body and mind to take action on whatever it is you were wanting to do but lacked motivation.  I am totally using this every day of my life from now on and it's clear from all the testimonials that it works!

The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace by Jeff Hobbs
This is basically an autobiography of Robert Peace's life by his former Yale roommate Jeff.  Robert experienced a broken family and poverty at a young age but he overcame everything and went on to study at Yale University.  Sadly, Robert succumbs to his chosen lifestyle of making money from hustling drugs but everyone still has amazing things to say about him throughout the book.  

What books have you read this month? 

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5 Nasty VOC Carriers Lurking in Your Home

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Lighting mood candles, hanging up freshly dry-cleaned clothes, or polishing the living room floor - these are the kind of everyday tasks we don't give a second thought to. Well, maybe it's time to pay attention.

Our homes are full of seemingly innocent household goods that are packed full of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which may be adversely affecting our families. These nasty pollutants enter the air via a process called off-gassing and, according to the EPA, concentrations are up to ten times higher indoors than outdoors.

Developing Our Emotional Toolbox To Overcome A Stressful Life Incident

Friday, October 26, 2018

We all experience stress and problematic incidents throughout our lives, and a lot of being able to get over these incidents is about developing our emotional toolbox. For us to
live a better life, we learn, gradually, to cope with stressful incidents and look at them for what they really are. But when we hit a major bump in the road, and it's so stressful that we feel that we can never get past it, are there any tips or tricks to help us on our way?

Impressing Your Husband with Something Out Of The Blue

What makes a relationship last, is not the ring on your finger but the constant efforts you make. Things like knowing when your husband is tired and just wants to lay down on the bed or sit on the couch straight after work, and not bothering him with anything really goes a long way. Rather than hauling out the trash, fixing something wrong with the car or even running an errand such as going to the grocery store, let him be with his thoughts when he’s tired. The same goes for you when you have had a long day you just don’t want to do the ABCs of life right away. Holding off on something until you catch your breath or had a nap, helps to calm your nerves. This may sound trivial at first, but actually these are the kind of everyday things that end up mattering the most when you have been together for years and years. Want to show your husband that you are still making these kinds of efforts to strengthen the relationship? Doing these things out of the clear blue sky will.

5 Steps To Starting Life In The New Home In Style

apartment, design, home

Moving home is one of the most exciting things you’ll ever do. However, there’s no escaping that there is a lot of pressure to get it right. Mistakes could haunt you for years, which is why you need a winning plan of action. Follow the five simple steps below, and you won’t go far wrong.

#1. Find The Right Home

First and foremost, you need to find the right home for your family. This doesn’t mean it needs to be decorated to your tastes as you will want to stamp your personality on the property. Still, realtors like
William Pitt can help you with your search while also covering issues that you might have overlooked. These could range from schooling situations to crime rates. After all, you need the whole package to suit your family – not only the four walls.

EASY Chicken Salad Wraps Recipe (+ Keystone Meats GIVEAWAY)

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Easy Chicken Salad Wraps Recipe with Keystone Meats

Some days I don't feel like eating a super heavy lunch or dinner.  Sometimes it's because I'm not feeling well and other times it's because I don't want to go through all of the cooking efforts.  I try to cut things out where I can by using canned or frozen veggies and ingredients, and buying jarred herbs and spices rather than trying to grow my own. 

If you are a lover of all things chicken, especially chicken salad, then this recipe is a MUST HAVE! It's super easy, not very messy (really you use 1 bowl and 1 cutting board), and delicious for dinner OR lunch.  

Using CBD Products for Great Benefits with MedsBiotech

If you haven't tried the latest and greatest CBD products, you're really missing out. People everywhere are learning about the benefits of CBD products and MedsBiotech has a great selection to choose from.

There are products to meet all kinds of needs whether it's relaxing your mind or enjoying the health benefits of using CBD products.

The Benefits of MediPets CBD Oil for Pets

Thursday, October 25, 2018

As many of you know, my Chihuahua Grace has struggled in the past with terrible pain from her compressed discs in her neck.  She was of course prescribed some pain medicine by the veterinarian but after about a year I wanted to look into some alternative pain treatments for her.  Specifically, I wanted to find something that would help with the inflammation and swelling in her body.  

That's when I began to explore the idea of Cbd oil for dogs and was pleasantly surprised by what others had to say about it. So many people were using CBD Oil to not only help with current health ailments but to hopefully prevent future ones from popping up.

Upgrading Your Beauty Routine with Diamond Hemp

It's everywhere these days, the benefits of using Hemp products.  They come in all forms but I especially love the health and beauty products.  They make a great addition to any routine but also have great results.

First let's discuss what Hemp is and how it can benefit you.

That Time I Became an Uber Driver

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Yeaaaaa, bet I surprised ya didn't I?   I bet you didn't know I have been driving for Uber and Lyft for about 6 months now, didja?! Well, it's true.  Blogging was getting slow at the beginning of Summer and I also lost my blogging mojo (which I've since gotten back) so I was desperate for more money to help me with some vet bills with the dogs and just general life expenses. 

So I signed up as an Uber driver and got to work.  I had no idea what I was doing at first and I was nervous as all hell but like most things in life, I started learning right away, with the help of fellow drivers in various Facebook groups.  

Just Call Me The Braless Blogger

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

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No that's not a bra strap - that's a cami strap.  A cami with a built in bra!

I've been wanting to do a post about this for the longest time simply because I talk about on every other form of social media there is.   You know how people make fun of those photos that circulate as memes of people at Walmart?  They have a wedgie, no bra, and their hair looks like they just got electrocuted like Marv on Home Alone.  Well, I used to laugh at those.  Then I became the no bra woman. 

What You NEED To Do To Create a Safe Home for Small Pets

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

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Two domesticated rats sitting on their owner's lap

So your children have been BEGGING for a hamster or guinea big and you've finally caved in.....

And I bet you're feeling pretty nervous because there's a lot of things that COULD go wrong like the little guy escaping, chewing through the wall, and eventually leaving a smell behind when he expires. 

10 Ways My Book (Fixing Your Finances) Will Help You Financially

Monday, October 22, 2018

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Fixing Your Finances Book

It's the Monday after payday and you're already broke again.  Your bills are paid and there's really nothing left for you to enjoy.  You don't even have extra money to put in a savings fund, or pay off your credit card.  YOU, my friend, NEED MY BOOK.

Tips for Organizing Your Kitchen

Thursday, October 18, 2018

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Do you feel envious when you see someone share their neatly organized kitchen drawers on social media? When you go to a friend's house and her kitchen is flawlessly organized from fridge to pots and pans, do you wish you had her skills?

Everything You Need to Know About CBD | Diamond CBD

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

It seems like everywhere you turn these days, someone is talking about CBD.  But what is it? And why does everyone rave about it? Well, that's what I'm here to educate you on today. CBD is basically a legal alternative to medical marijuana (where medical marijuana is not yet legal) that has health benefits without the psychoactive effects.  That's just a nutshell.  We will need to delve deeper into this.

Let's start with the big question...

The Joy of Owning Rats

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2 hooded rats in a woman's lap

Before you get all rude and say "Ew" just stop.  Rats are not gross.  Sure, sewer rats and wild icky rats may make you shiver, but domesticated pet rats are amazing.  I've owned rats since I was a teenager.  Rats are so so so intelligent and very clean.  In fact, they are obsessing with cleanliness and are constantly cleaning themselves. 

How We Celebrated Our One Year Wedding Anniversary

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

 One year ago on October 12, 2017 we went in front of our favorite judge, in a $20 dress and $24 hair style, with our parents to watch, and a great photographer friend, and we had a nice little ceremony followed by a celebratory lunch at a local restaurant.

How To Style A Bookshelf

Monday, October 15, 2018

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I used to page through magazines and look inside other people's homes at how their style was being featured in this month's issue.  And then I noticed their amazingly organized, styled, and minimalistic bookshelves and I was hooked.
If you've seen my bookshelves on social media lately, you probably have found yourself motivated to redo your own.  Some people like bookshelves full of books, others just want décor, and still others want a mix of both.  So I embrace my minimalist style by doing a slight amount of both.

Chewy 30 Day Challenge | Only Natural Pet | Final Thoughts

Friday, October 12, 2018

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Well, that wraps up my Chewy 30 Day Challenge with Only Natural Pet Dog Food.  In the first post I introduced you and told you the basics about the food, and in the second post I told you about the changes I'd seen.

How I Used A Necklace to Soothe My Anxiety + 15% OFF

Thursday, October 11, 2018

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You wake up and begin to get ready for your day.  Maybe you're going to work or maybe you have to run errands because it's a weekend.   Then that dreaded feeling of anxiety hits you for whatever reason and your heart begins racing and fluttering.  Your stomach starts to spin and your breathing becomes fast and makes you panic even more.  Maybe you know the reason you feel this way or maybe you're like me and although you treat your anxiety in a variety of ways, you still need a little bit of help.

If you were reading that paragraph and nodding your head yes, I FEEL YOU and please keep reading!  

See, for years I've taken medication for anxiety and depression.  It runs in my family and I've managed it very well.  Still, there are times when for whatever reason (a huge TO DO list for the day) I start to feel panicky and my heart races and as I'm walking to my building for work every morning my anxiety sky rockets.  I get in the elevator (alone since it's so early) and close the door and in the time it takes me to get up to the 10th floor, I'm staring into the mirrored doors at myself, breathing hysterically and wondering what my deal is.  I try to take deep breathes but I feel like in order to do that I need someone physically there to guide me through it.

I don't get like this every single day but when it does happen it's usually because there's A LOT going on in ALL the different aspects of my life.  

Some people have a soothing behavior they do to calm their anxiety and whether it's a quick meditation, a tap on their forehead (yes, someone told me they do that and it works for them), or writing their worries down, I am all about finding what works for you. 

The Shift necklace from Komuso Design is a breathing tool to help calm your nervous system

What do I do now?
Well, I discovered this amazing necklace from Komuso Design.  It's The Shift necklace and it was inspired by Japanese monks and designed by a therapist with a tested circumference that slows your exhale when you are breathing.  No mechanics, technology, or confusing instructions.  Seriously, it's that simple!

I was very skeptical at first because I was convinced breathing can't help me calm down.  That's because I was doing it all wrong. 

I mean, yes, you could just take a deep breath but if you're like me you need some training to actually breathe really deep.  The Shift trains your breath to go deeper so that you can feel better.  This physical act of breathing with a longer exhale triggers a neurological response inside you that calms your nervous system, slows your heart rate, reduces cortisol (the stress hormone), and relaxes you mentally and physically.

When I put it on for the first time I felt like I was in some science fiction movie where I had a magical tool around my neck that would transport me into a different time and place.  It kind of DOES do that though because The Shift brings you back to the PRESENT MOMENT.   You do realize that when you feel anxious and panicky it's usually because you are worrying about something in the future.  The Shift is designed to snap you out of it.

Woman using The Shift necklace from Komuso Design for breathing to calm the nervous system

So I began using it right away.  At first it was awkward because I was trying to rush my breathing and I blew out like it was a straw.  It made a whistle sound and I realized it's because I was being too intense.  So I really stopped and tried my hardest to exhale slowly and naturally and after 3 tries it worked!!   For the last 2 weeks at work I've been using it every morning as I ride the elevator up to my office and I'm feeling so much better every day.   The Shift is like my little crutch, like a worry stone that you rub in your pocket.  When I sit at my desk and get anxious I turn my chair around, face the wall, close my eyes, and breathe.  The best part is, it's so discreet that no one even knows what I'm doing anyways.  
Woman wearing The Shift Necklace in Rose Gold from Komuso Design

But, it's also really fashionable...
The second best part is that The Shift is such a gorgeous necklace and I get compliments everyday.  The third best part is that people don't even know what it is unless I tell them.  You can choose silver, gold, or rose gold based on the type of jewelry you typically wear and you can absolutely layer this necklace with other ones. 

The Shift necklace from Komuso Design in Rose Gold with  instructional insert

Yes, it's easy to use!
If you're thinking to yourself "I won't even know how to use it", stop that! Inside the packaging there's a little fold out guide that explains in 4 easy steps how to do it. 

First, you inhale deeply through only your noise so you fill your belly with air.  While you do this you should try to become aware of your thoughts.  Then you pause briefly and gently exhale through The Shift for about 8-10 seconds and release all of the air from your belly.  This is EXHALING, not BLOWING.   Then you relax your jaw and shoulders and notice your thoughts and shifting to your breath. And finally you repeat 5 times at least.  Congrats! You just told your nervous system to take a chill pill and you're becoming more present with your breath.  Now you can tell your mind to be still.  It's almost as if you distract yourself from the silly thoughts that don't matter.
Woman breathing through The Shift necklace from Komuso Design to help calm the nervous system

Does it really work?
I guess that all depends if you use it correctly.  I can tell you that I feel a lot better and I haven't really had the random anxiety and panic feelings in the mornings lately. 

I also tend to feel rushed and anxious if I get stuck in traffic and I have somewhere to be and I actually started using The Shift necklace to calm myself when that situation comes up and it has been working like a charm.  In stead of sitting there angry at the other drivers, I go through things in my head like "Oh wow, that is a really pretty tree over there that I never noticed." Yea, it sounds corny but you will enjoy your life and your day so much more if you notice the great things around you.  I promise you that.

Woman wearing The Shift Necklace in Rose Gold from Komuso Design

Do you want your own necklace?
I highly recommend them and if you want to purchase one today you can get 15% off with the code ASKAWAY over on the Komuso Design website.  Like I said earlier, there are different colors to choose from and it's such a beautiful and lightweight piece of jewelry that even if you only use it as that, it's still worth it. 

Do you struggle with anxiety? What do you do to try to calm yourself down?  

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Top Tips that will Help You When Buying a New Car

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

If you know that you need to go out and buy a new car then you will understand how nerve-inducing this can be. After all, you have so much to think about and you also have a lot to discuss as well. A car is one of the most expensive items you will ever invest in and it is also going to last you for years to come as well. For this reason, it is so important that you are able to make the right decision and that you are also able to feel confident in your ride as well. If you want to know more then you can find out what whatever you need to know below.


The first thing that you need to do is try and find out how much you can realistically spend. This will save you a ton of money in the long run and it will also save you a lot of time as well. This will also give you the chance to rule out any cars that are just way out of your budget so you can spend more time focusing on the right cars. You probably won’t be in the position to buy a car out-right and for this reason you also need to look into the road tax, the insurance and even the maintenance that your car is going to have to go through when it is on the road. This will give you an even better idea of whether or not you can afford the car you are looking at.


Another thing that you need to think about when you buy your car is the amount of space that it has to offer. Some cars are much more spacious when compared to others and this is great if you have kids. You do have to remember however that just because a car is bigger, that this doesn’t mean that it is able to give you more “boot” space. Some cars have more leg room, more spacious seats and other features that take up room that could otherwise be used for storage. When choosing your car, you need to think about your lifestyle. Do you continually lug golf clubs and other sporting gear around with you? Then you need a big boot space. Do you continually chauffer people around to events or even parties? Then more leg room or an additional seat may be required. If you want to impress, some performance wheels might not go a miss either and sometimes you can add this as an upgrade.


And lastly, you have to take into account the resale value of your car. There is no point you spending an absolute fortune on your car, only to find that you can’t afford to sell it on at a later date. If you want to get around this then try and find out how much your car is worth used. If you do have a dream car in mind then it may be worth you trying to find out if you can get a second-hand bargain. This is a fantastic way for you to save money.

Giving Your Home's Interior An Entirely New Look

Every so often, a household needs a mini-renovation. Trends go out of style, but things also wear out. Even if you’ve designed your home in a timeless fashion, the paint might have started to fade and furnishings might’ve become worn out. Or perhaps you’ve simply grown tired of the layout in your house. It might be time for something new. If you want to give your home’s interior an entirely new look then here are a few ideas that might provide you with some inspiration.

Tick off all the big household chores.

We’re talking about more than cleaning and dusting your household. We’re talking about the big chores that you’ve been ignoring for weeks or months. For example, you might want to start by decluttering your household. A messy layout will make your home feel smaller, and that’ll create a less comfortable environment for you and your family. If you want to make your household feel more spacious and inviting then you should get rid of the clutter that’s been building up for months or years. Opt for a minimalistic look to utilize the available space in your home.

Of course, you might not be able to complete some household chores with a DIY mentality. Some minor issues such as squeaky door frames and faded paint jobs can be remedied easily, but other tasks require a professional hand. For instance, retiling your bathroom is something that you can learn by watching YouTube videos, but you might not be able to do as great a job as a professional tiler. Additionally, if you’re dealing with a leaky faucet that you can’t fix then you might want to look into a local plumber to help you out. Sometimes, it’s smarter to get assistance from an expert so that you know your home has been fixed up properly. These practical improvements will make your home feel more comfortable as well as improving the aesthetic of your household.

Turn a spare room into something more than storage space.

You might also want to consider converting unused space in your house, whether it’s the attic, the garage, or simply a room that’s never been used for anything more than storing boxes. You could give your home’s interior an entirely new look by essentially creating an entirely new room. If you took our earlier advice and decluttered your home then you shouldn’t have any spare rooms that are overflowing with boxes of unwanted belongings. It’s time to turn spare space into something new. You could have a guest room or even a games room that the whole family could enjoy. The point is that a “new” room could make your house feel larger. Just make sure that you find the right purpose for the room. You need to put your available space to good use, so don’t create a new bedroom if the room is too small.

Think of a theme.

You might also want to improve the interior of your home by giving it a theme. Consistency can really make a household’s design look powerful. It really ties each room together. It might be something as simple as a tropical theme on one floor of the house. Or maybe you could create a consistent color palette in every room by repainting the walls. You could simply put a certain kind of plant in every room to create a natural theme. The point is that a theme could make your home’s interior look brand new.

Quick Ways to Add Value to Your Home

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

If you are a homeowner, something you will be conscious of is the value of your home. All those years ago when you purchased it for a great price and have kept it in great condition now come into play. Working on repairs when needed, ensuring you have the bigger maintenance jobs taken care of. But, over the years your needs have changed, where you once wanted a small neat kitchen you now want an open plan space. When you had no children, and big dreams you now have bedrooms brimming with lives and love. There comes a time when you are going to want to move on. Before you do so, it is best to get your property valued by a professional. Once you have an initial valuation, it’s time to get to work improving on that initial figure.

Think of it as your starting point.

Some of these tips will be glaringly obvious and others perhaps not so much, either way, it's food for thought!

Loft conversion.
Yes indeed, making more space increases the value of the house. But, it isn’t just about the extra room. It’s about what you do with it, and what the new owners could use it for. A typical loft conversion can increase the value of the house by the approximate value of one bedroom. You could sell this as an office, a yoga studio or bedroom space. Whatever you do, be prepared to pay a decent amount to get the work done. But, don't worry, what you spend will come back tacked on to the house sale money - 6 fold.

Windows & Doors
Your windows were likely fitted before you had ever set eyes on your home. Not very often do we get to pick the fixtures and fittings to such an extent that the windows are the design we wanted. If your house isn't very modern, you are going to want to take a look at getting double glazing fitted at a minimum. Unless of course, the house is a heritage site. In which case you are going to need to work with the local departments to ensure any work carried out here is true to code. If you get double glazing fitted, you will be saving money for the next tenants in the long run - and who doesn't love to save some cash?

This is also a great time to see if you can add any extra windows. Extra light in a home is a premium.

If your front door has seen better days, then likely so has your garage door. It is time to get both of them replaced. For the front door, look into something classic, with a neutral color scheme - it will work for more personality types in the long run. As for the garage, get something like a
b and d roller door. They are sleek, smart and work for any garage.

Superficial Stuff Counts

Even though you have come to be used to that leaky, dripping noise that comes from somewhere outside your house - doesn't mean that the people viewing your home in a view to buying will appreciate it. There are a few things that you need to get sorted asap.

Doors - sticking, squeaking, poor or rusted hinges
Locks - do they work, do you know where all of the keys are?
Loose or broken tiles. Not only unsightly but a breeding ground for mold
Leaky faucets or pipes. A waste of water, yes, but also annoying in the middle of the night if you happen to tune into the noise
Cracks - and cracks in the floor, walls, or plaster work
Peeling or chipped paint

While you might adore your carpet, all it is really doing is holding in the unique smell of your family. You might generally smell of peaches and happiness, but when people are in the house they might not appreciate it. It’s time to
invest in wooden flooring. It’s easier to clean, lasts a lot longer than any carpet and holds zero smells.

Speaking of groundwork. Head out into the garden and trim everything back. It doesn't matter what month you have decided to sell your home, you need to think of the long term. Dress the front and backyard with some perennials, and some seasonal flowers. Half of the selling of a home is showing people their future in a place if they can picture it, then they are much more likely to buy. Invest in some outdoor lighting, a little landscaping, and a garden feature. If you have the room then consider a shed or an outhouse.
Look for Extra Space

While above a loft conversion was mentioned, and the next thing on the list would be a conservatory, think smaller. If you have space under the stairs, consider giving it more function. Could you add sockets and turn it into a small working space? Could you build in some shelves and give the ideal home to some shoes, or books? Simple touches like that are interesting and innovative.

Pipes and Wires
While ideally, you will have had these taken care of every year in a service, it might be time to go a little bit further. If you have old wiring or old pipes they won’t be as cost-effective or a safe as they could be. There are also so many new smart home appliances on the market it pays to keep your home up to date. It might be a really big job, a total rewiring, but while it’s being done you can add extra sockets, and extra lighting if you wish. Plus dimmer switches and ewer safety features.

As for plumbing, if you have noisy pipes then you really need to get that taken care of as a matter of urgency. While that is being updated, you could consider getting a
pressurized plumbing system fitted, rather than a gravity fed one. You might like to add new sinks or toilets in, update all the faucets and a whole new bathroom suite.