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Guys have it so easy when they prepare for a night out on the town. All they need is their wallet and cell phone. Alas, it's not that easy for us gals, but I have a great way we can all one-up them.

So here are 5 things you MUST bring along for a night at the bar AND an amazing way to never feel hungover again! (Yes, I'm telling you there is an anti-hangover solution that exists!)

1. Cash
I like to bring cash with me when I go out rather than a card because I am always afraid I'll lose the card or that I'll spend too much money on drinks. Cash helps you stick to a budget for the night and it's way easier to pay a cabbie with cash then a charge card.
2. A Fully Charged Phone
You never know when you'll need to make an emergency call to a friend, call a cab, or locate a friend that broke away from the crowd. ALWAYS charge your phone before going out on the town.
3. Lip Gloss
You know when you go into the bathroom and see your pale skin, red eyes, and frizzy hair and you don't know what to do? You've become a hot sweaty mess from dancing the night away, but a little bit of lip gloss can make you look more polished.
4. A Hair Tie
Sometimes you just need to get your hair up off your neck, especially if you accidentally drink too much and get sick, so never leave home without one.
5. Never Hungover
That's right, Never Hungover is the key to making the most of your weekends. There's nothing worse than waking up on Sunday and being unable to even carry a load of laundry to the machine without falling over from a dizzy spell.
Never Hungover is a hangover prevention drink packed with natural vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, nutrients, and minerals. Some of the key ingredients are B5, B12, Aloe Vera, Green Tea Extract, and Milk Thistle.
It works by neutralizing and processing the toxins create by alcohol in the liver and kidneys. You should consume it before or during your night out drinking. 1 bottle should be consumed for every 4 drinks. You can shoot it straight or you can mix it with something else.
This seriously has saved my Sundays. I enjoy wine on Saturday nights and normally I'm too tired and worn down to run the next morning and do my weekly chores and laundry loads, but ever since I've tried Never Hungover, I've felt amazing. The taste is great and it really did work!
Guys have it so easy when they prepare for a night out on the town. All they need is their wallet and cell phone. Alas, it's not that easy for us gals, but I have a great way we can all one-up them.

So here are 5 things you MUST bring along for a night at the bar AND an amazing way to never feel hungover again! (Yes, I'm telling you there is an anti-hangover solution that exists!)

1. Cash
I like to bring cash with me when I go out rather than a card because I am always afraid I'll lose the card or that I'll spend too much money on drinks. Cash helps you stick to a budget for the night and it's way easier to pay a cabbie with cash then a charge card.
2. A Fully Charged Phone
You never know when you'll need to make an emergency call to a friend, call a cab, or locate a friend that broke away from the crowd. ALWAYS charge your phone before going out on the town.
3. Lip Gloss
You know when you go into the bathroom and see your pale skin, red eyes, and frizzy hair and you don't know what to do? You've become a hot sweaty mess from dancing the night away, but a little bit of lip gloss can make you look more polished.
4. A Hair Tie
Sometimes you just need to get your hair up off your neck, especially if you accidentally drink too much and get sick, so never leave home without one.
That's right, Never Hungover is the key to making the most of your weekends. There's nothing worse than waking up on Sunday and being unable to even carry a load of laundry to the machine without falling over from a dizzy spell.
Never Hungover is a hangover prevention drink packed with natural vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, nutrients, and minerals. Some of the key ingredients are B5, B12, Aloe Vera, Green Tea Extract, and Milk Thistle.
It works by neutralizing and processing the toxins create by alcohol in the liver and kidneys. You should consume it before or during your night out drinking. 1 bottle should be consumed for every 4 drinks. You can shoot it straight or you can mix it with something else.
This seriously has saved my Sundays. I enjoy wine on Saturday nights and normally I'm too tired and worn down to run the next morning and do my weekly chores and laundry loads, but ever since I've tried Never Hungover, I've felt amazing. The taste is great and it really did work!
Parrish Whitaker (the CEO) has an experience when his sister was diagnosed with Lupus in 2006. In order to save her from the disease, Parrish's father donated his kidney to her. Their recoveries were enhanced by a nutrient-rich antioxident that their family holistic doctor prescribed. After being impressed by the formula, Parrish decided to experiment with other uses of the formula and that's how Never Hungover was born!
And if you see below, you can get 20% off with the Promo code!
So literally...DON'T leave home without it!
Love that NYX gloss!! Such a true post!