How to Celebrate the Earth Everyday

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Earth Day is a great reminder to take better care of this planet while we spend our time on it, but I truly think we need to adopt that mindset everyday.  So here are some ways to celebrate the Earth by taking better care of it.

Pick Up Trash
Not just your own trash, but you should be picking up trash wherever you can.  If you have a park in your neighborhood make it a point to bring gloves and a trash bag with you every now and then when you go and enjoy that space.  Look for clean up events of bodies of water in your area and sign up to volunteer.  There are so many ways to help pick up trash and you can't just rely on other people to do it.  After all, they are the ones that put it there to begin with. 
Drive Less
Combine your errands all into one trip on a day when you will be in the area of most of the places you need to go.  If you have a doctor's appointment and will be near somewhere you have to go, do it then.  
Make sure you follow your locality's guidelines for recycling.  And recycling is great but if you can recycle things on your own by reusing them, that's even better. Jars of pasta are great storage jars for other things in your kitchen and home.  Choose eco-friendly packaging as often as you can when shopping. 
Consume Less
The easiest way to make less waste is by buying less. Don't buy more than you need with food, meal plan so you can carefully shop for things and you know what you have before buying more and then having to throw stuff out when it goes bad.  Think twice before printing documents.... you really don't need to print that much these days.  Be very mindful of buying junk type items that will soon break and you'll be disposing of.  
Plant Natives
When choosing flowers and trees for your yard, do some research on native choices for your region.  It's better for the ecosystem in your area and your yard.  Wildlife will thank you! 
Eat Less Meat
Honestly, even just choosing one day or two days a week to commit to eating less meat can make a different.  And when you do eat meat, be mindful where it comes from and support local as much as you can. 
Opt for Reusable Bags
Purchase a set of reusable bags for your groceries or use one of the millions of storage totes you already have.  When it comes to sandwich bags opt for those awesome reusable and washable ones. 
How else do you guys give back to the Earth?    

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