Productive Things to do on a Rainy Day

Monday, April 29, 2024

Rainy days can be such a drag but I like to put a productive spin on them and get as much done when I'm stuck inside the house as I can. So here are some productive things you can do on a rainy day.

Redo Your Budget
There's never a better time to do your finances than on a rainy day.  Go over your budget, cancel things you don't need that you pay for on a regular basis, check up on your finance goals, and make sure you can track down every last penny.
Clean and Tidy
Get down and dirty and start cleaning top to bottom - I'm talking a deep clean of the places you don't wanna even touch normally.  Tidy up all surfaces and reorganize things. Break it down room by room or even drawer by drawer. 
List Things For Sale 
When you are tidying, you may find some items you can sell for some extra cash. Better yet, go around your home and find items you can sell.  Or if you can't sell them, list them on free sites. 
Create Outfits in Your Closet
Whenever I'm stuck inside I like to create new outfits that I can easily choose from my closet without having to stew over what to wear next time I need to go somewhere and look presentable.  

Meal Plan
Look through your cupboards and plan out some meals for the next week or two. Use those plans to create a list of ingredients you'll need on your next shopping trip. 

Clean Out Your Car
This is easier to do if you have a garage or carport. Dust, wipe down, and vacuum the interior. Nothing is better than a fresh clean car interior!
So what do you like to do on rainy days?

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these idea with us.


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