Books I Recommend You Read [September]

Monday, September 30, 2019

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Another month of enjoyable reads.  I got my hands on some real good ones at my local library this time. Check them out!  Click the image to purchase each book from Amazon! 

Cleansing Sticks + Rose Water

Friday, September 27, 2019

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Cleansing Sticks + Rose Water

If you follow me on ANY social media channels, you've likely seen my little cleansing wands/sticks/bouquets that I have made using flowers from my own yard.  They are SUPER fun to make and I feel it's a great use of flowers that will eventually just die off.  I wanted to share some of them in this post and also explain why and how I make them.  Also, I want to share a way that I keep hydrated with NATURAL rosewater!

Home Issues That Could Be Affecting Your Health

Thursday, September 26, 2019


Your home is supposed to be the place you can relax in. It is supposed to be a place of comfort and good living. Your home isn't supposed to make you feel unwell, but as is quite often the case, the opposite can be true.

So, if you have been suffering from ill health recently, your home might be to blame.

Here are two of the reasons why.

#1: There are signs of damp around your property

Have you been suffering from coughs or colds recently? Have you felt irritation in your throat? If so, it might be because of damp problems within your home. If not dealt with, you might eventually start to develop asthma and other respiratory health issues that affect your long-term health.

Thankfully, the signs of damp are quite easy to spot.

Musty smells, discolored walls, peeling wallpaper, unexplained wet patches, and signs of mold, are all indicative of a damp problem within your home.

Now, there are various reasons as to why your home might be suffering from a damp problem. If your home is poorly ventilated, signs of damp will occur because the air in your home will hold a greater amount of moisture. You might have a plumbing issue, perhaps with a cracked pipe underneath your property that might necessitate the need for slab leak repair. And your guttering might be blocked, and this will cause water to seep into your home. These are but a few reasons why, but it's worth spending more time researching possible causes online.

Our advice? Call out a plumber for any guttering and plumbing issues, or a mold specialist if you have telltale signs of this unsightly problem around your home. And if your home is poorly ventilated, you might want to install an extra window or two, and especially in your bathroom and kitchen, an exhaust fan to release trapped moisture.

#2: Your home is cold

Especially during the winter months, your home is going to feel colder than normal. Now, while you might be tempted to put up with the problem, especially if you're trying to keep your heating bills down, you could be putting your health at risk. Not only will you start to suffer from the common cold, but you might also be putting yourself at risk of pneumonia and high fluctuations to your blood pressure.

Thankfully, it is possible to have a warmer home without seeing a hike in your heating bill. Have a look at our winter warming tips, which are not only useful for the chilly season but which should be implemented around the year if your home is colder than most. And while some of our suggestions will require some expense, especially if any repairs are needed around your property, you will start to notice both the financial and the health benefits eventually.


Spending time in your home is supposed to be conducive to good health, especially if you take opportunities to rest and relax. But if you have been feeling unwell because of the issues we mentioned, then you need to get on top of them now. You will start to feel better if you do, not only on a physical level but on a mental level too as you will suffer less stress because of the issues we have covered.
Take care then, and thanks for reading.

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4 Important Tips For Buying And Owning An RV

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

If you’re the kind of person that loves the idea of camping but hates the practicality of it, you might benefit from owning an RV. So many of us enjoy the great outdoors and we like to get away from the city and get in touch with nature for a while, but we don’t like sleeping in a cramped tent when the rain is pouring down outside. But with an RV, you get all of the great things about camping without any of the downsides. If you have never been on an RV trip before, you should check out this guide to planning one, and see how you enjoy it. 

If you find that you absolutely love it and you want to make it a regular thing, you will benefit from buying your own RV instead of renting one every time. However, it’s a very big purchase to make and owning an RV is very different from owning a car, so it’s important that you know what you’re doing. These are some of the most important things you should know about buying and owning an RV. 

Visit Lots Of Dealerships 

There are a lot of different RV styles and the prices vary a lot. You could spend huge amounts of money on an RV with all of the latest technology, or you could go for a cheaper option that is more basic but gets the job done. That’s why it’s important to visit a lot of dealerships and see lots of different RVs so you can get an idea of what is available. 

Write A Wish List 

Once you get to know the world of RVs a bit better, you need to write a wish list of everything that you want and, most importantly, what kind of budget you have. Do you need an all seasons RV or will you just use it in the summer? Are you going to tow it? If so, you need to consider the weight. How many people will be in it, and what kinds of storage do you need? If you answer these questions, you will get an idea of what you are looking for. 

Store It Correctly 

When you find that perfect RV and it’s time to take it home, you need to make sure that you have somewhere to store it. It will be sitting unused most of the time and you need to protect it from the elements. You need to get a metal RV cover for the driveway to protect it from the rain and from sun damage. If you want your RV to last you a long time, you have to store it correctly. 

Do Routine Maintenance 

If you want your car to stay in good condition and last you for years to come, you have to do routine maintenance on it. It’s no different with an RV so you need to maintain it regularly. Check the roof seals for any signs of leakage, check the batteries, and do all of the maintenance that you would normally do on your car like checking brakes and changing the oil. If you look after your RV, it will look after you. 

As long as you follow these tips, you can buy the perfect RV and keep it in good condition. 

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How To Build A Fall Wardrobe

How To Build A Fall Wardrobe

Fall is a great time of year not just because of the ideal weather but because it can be really easy to put a Fall wardrobe together with stuff you already have.  That's because Fall, just like Spring, is about layering or wearing pieces in different ways.  Something that you normally would wear as a t-shirt in Summer, can be worn with a jacket for the Fall. So if you are prepping your closet for Fall, make sure you take notes on how to build up your wardrobe.  

If you have fun with the seasons, and you incorporate them in your wardrobe, you'll find a whole new side to getting dressed in the morning that you absolutely love! 

Sneaky Ways to Make your Kitchen look Way More Expensive

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

There is absolutely no denying that the kitchen is the focal point of any home. Prospective buyers need to be able to imagine themselves gathered around their friends and they also want to imagine themselves relaxing too. Achieving that dream kitchen can be expensive to say the least, but if you are willing to put the work in and if you follow the below steps then you’ll soon find that it is easier than ever for you to get it done under budget.

Choose a Luxurious Colour Palette

If you want to get the best result, then you need to look at the colours that luxury designers use. There’s a high chance that they are muted, or slightly off the primary colour. This could include using charcoal over black, or champagne tones instead of white. This will help you to bring out the true personality of the space and it will also make it much easier for you to achieve everything you have hoped for. Of course, you also want the texture to vary too, as this will add to the complexity of the room in general. The more layered and high-end you can go, the better. If you’re on a budget then go for raised patterns, high gloss and matte.

Reinvent Tired Cabinets

If you are unable to afford new cabinets then why not add some new hardware instead? Consider replacing the door pulls, hinges or even handles. When you are making your choice, it helps to make sure that they fit in the holes that are already there. If yours are too small then use wood putty, as this won’t shrink. Mixing metals should also be a consideration. A lot of people think that they should never mix colours, but this is not the case at all. If you have a chrome sink then you can still use brass for your appliances, so make sure that you keep that in mind when making your selection. If you have some broken appliances that would suit your new look then look into appliance repair.

3 Key Health Areas That You Need To Keep On Top Of

There is nobody who is more responsible for your health than yourself. If you don’t look after yourself, it can be difficult to expect anyone else to do that job for you. There are several reasons that people fail to take care of themselves, from poverty and a lack of education, through to depression, or it may even be because of a physical injury.

Getting on top of your health means getting into good habits as early as possible. You should not wait for a major health scare to make the changes that you to need in your life. This may mean embracing a difference in your exercise, diet, or lifestyle.

Product marketing in the digital age

Some people get really overwhelmed with technology these days, especially when it comes to running a business or trying to grow their company.  The thing is, technology and the digital age are actually making things a bit easier AND they’re giving us a lot of new options to use for marketing to potential clients and customers. Companies like Universal Manufacturing Corp. are discovering how to best meet client needs even in this time of high tech gadgets, digital ads, and social media. 

So how do you navigate this type of world? Well, here are a few tips! 

Take advantage of digital advertising.
Whether it’s online ads through websites, newsletter marketing, or social media sponsored posts, do what you need to do to reach your target audience.  It’s important that you are getting exposure everywhere possible and since most people are using the tending methods for technology, internet, and social media, you need to do the same. 

Invest in a graphic designer.
Your webpage and any marketing or advertising will need to look great and be done by a professional.  Invest the money in a professional to do logo design, advertising design, and create a user friendly website that’s easy to navigate and doesn’t have glitches.  Make sure your site is mobile friendly since pretty much EVERYONE visits websites on their smartphones these days. 

Network online.
Networking in real life is great, but online is even better.  Get to know the people that contact you, read your blog, subscribe to your newsletter, and comment on your social media.  This is a great way to build relationships and trust with customers, clients, and even others in your field. The good news is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home, simply through your phone or computer. 

More affordable.
There are times when digital advertising is more affordable than print advertising.  This means you absolutely must take advantage of advertising in this way! Also when it comes to money, make sure you are tracking your expenses and income electronically and backing it up on at least a weekly basis. 

Automate as much as possible. 
There are plenty of programs and websites out there that allow you to automate social media posts, newsletters, blog posts going live, and if you take the time to set it up each month, you can relax and let things automatically happen for the next few weeks. Do this whenever possible, trust me! 

Protect yourself.
The internet is a scary place at times so be sure to protect yourself and your computer.  Install anti-virus software, be wary of sites you visit on the internet, and back up everything you do. You never know when your computer will crash and you’ll lose it all. Trust me.  Invest in space on a cloud or an external hard drive. 

Expanding your business and customer base in this day and age can be very convenient and much easier than in days past.  With technology everywhere, we’re able to connect with people instantly no matter what part of the world they’re in.  

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Giving Your Parents The Best Life in Old Age

Monday, September 23, 2019

Your parents have done a lot for you, mostly good, and it’s likely that you sometimes wonder if you’ll ever be able to repay them. While you won’t be able to repay them in full, you can go a long way to leveling the playing field by helping them when they need you most. And that’ll be when they’re older, when they have less energy than they used to and may find it difficult to live their best life without a bit of assistance. This is where you come in. Below, we take a look at a few tried and tested ways that you can make sure your parents are living life to the fullest, even in their later years.

Ways To Spruce Up Your Home

Whether it's your forever home or just a starter home along the way, there are many ways to spruce up a house.  Some people choose to do the work themselves while others hire professionals.   Either way, the improvement is very satisfying.  Sometimes you just get tired of the same old style and wants to switch things up a bit.  

Even if you don't have much money, a few coats of paint can really make a big difference! Here are some ways to spruce up your home. 

Medical Marijuana 101 | My Experience

Medical Marijuana 101 | My Experience

Ahhh, my favorite topic. Natural medicine.  Now before you write this off as someone trying to preach, just know that's not what this post is.  Yes, I have recently become an approved patient with access to medical marijuana.  But what I learned was the medicinal side to marijuana is something many people don't understand and I can't blame them.  Many of us are still learning and at this point it's patients educating patients.  

So today's post is going to be about medical marijuana.  Why to use it and what it does, how to use it, how to get access to it (in Pennsylvania), and how it has helped me.   I spent weeks researching and learning about the medicinal qualities of different strains, and what actually makes them work.   I can tell you that even if you have no plans to ever try marijuana (medicinal or otherwise), this post is SUPER informative.  

My Lunarly Subscription Box

Friday, September 20, 2019

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I'm sooooo excited to share another subscription box with you today! I think we can all agree that there's nothing more exciting than receiving a package in the mail every month and you don't even know what exactly is inside but you know it's gonna be good!  

That's where Lunarly comes in....

How To Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How To Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck

It seems to be the norm these days for people to struggle to get by on a weekly basis until their next paycheck comes.  But now it's time to STOP that cycle! The only way you can break that horrific cycle is by taking action and today I have 5 action steps for you to work on. 

What's The Hype About Hemp?

Monday, September 16, 2019

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I'm sure you've heard people talk about how amazing hemp is but I'm really trying to educate you about hemp in this post so I'm going to try to explain what it is, what the benefits of hemp are, and how you can use hemp by showing you how I use it. 

Does Grime Have Your Home Under Siege?

Thursday, September 12, 2019

What even is grime? Grime is dirt that has become ingrained onto a surface. It's a very hard substance because dirt and debris has lost all it's water content and overtime it's become more and more solid. That’s why it sticks to the surface and really requires elbow grease to get rid of. It comes in all shapes, colors and sizes, it's pretty much everywhere in the modern home. From your kitchen, the living room, the bathroom and of course even outside on the exterior of your home, it's made itself at home. The trouble is the longer you leave it the more sticking strength it has. So here’s how to jump into action and break the siege in your own home.

Every Girl Needs a Blue Handbag | Teddy Blake Vanessa Palmelatto Handbag

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

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You may recognize the brand Teddy Blake from a few months ago when I did my Teddy Blake Eliza Vitello handbag review.  Well, I'm back with another bag to review and this one has me super obsessed!  I have always been obsessed with Teddy Blake! I love working with them, I love their customer service, I love their bag options, and I love their social media feeds. 

So let's look from the inside out, at my new Teddy Blake handbag, the Vanessa Palmelatto!

6Tips for Influencers

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Whether you are a blogger or your area of focus is social media, as an influencer, you need to do your best work to grow your brand and get access to new opportunities for partnering with bigger and bigger companies.  As an influencer, I've worked for years and years to grow my brand, gain followers, and network with others in my field. 

Today, I'm sharing some tips that can help you do better whether it's as a blogger or an Instagrammer! 

Couponing Tips For Pros

We all like this age money now and again and as adults this is something which can drive a lot of the decisions in our life. Money saving tips are super important to find and use in life and there are a lot of things we need to consider when budgeting and saving our money.

This is why when you get a Macys Coupon you might jump at the chance to save 50p on your favourite cheese and honestly, this can be a big thing when you accumulate these coupons and us them right. Today we are going to take a look at some handy couponing tips which will be useful for you today.

Get In, Get Out
The biggest tip you can utilise when shopping using a couponing scheme is to have a list of the items you plan to get before you go into the shop and don’t stray from it. It is important not to start walking down aisles for the sake of it because this is where you can pick up things you simply don’t need. Get in and get out quickly.

Use coupons to make meals
When you go shopping at a store and get some coupons, a lot of the time the coupons are a bit random. You might end up with money off potatoes, cheese, and chicken and this is why sometimes you might simply throw these out without using them. However if you start to think about meals, you can create many meals with these ingredients such as a chicken curry, chicken pie with mash or even a jacket potato with chicken on top. Think about ways to use coupons for meals and this will allow you to create a good shopping list that works.

Know Your Price Points
When we head shopping on a busy weeknight each week it is easy to forget to check the prices of staples such as bread and milk and cheese. However, it is important to know how much things like this cost because you could be getting ripped off if you don’t check. Make sure you don’t let yourself overpay for house staples and ensure that if a price is high, you shop somewhere else instead.

Present Your Coupons in a Certain Order
Not all coupons are made equally and it is important for you to build your coupons on top of each other for the best savings. For example if you have a coupon which gives you money off an item and one which gives you a percentage off your shop, you should do the former before the latter: this way you will get the percentage taken off the reduced price instead of the full price. Make sure when couponing that you always look for ways to order things in a smart way and this will make your life a lot easier.

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Are You Ready To Talk About The Colder Months?

The colder months are definitely something that are creeping in, but for a lot of us, there is still some of summer left. We’re clinging on to those remaining warmer days, but we just know that the colder days are nearly here, and are we ready to face those? Maybe not. Are we ready to talk about those? Probably not as well. But what we should be ready to do, is face the problems that the warmer weather might have started to cause, and the colder weather is definitely going to make things worse. When it comes to your home, problems can come in thick and fast, especially as the weather changes. So if you feel like you already have enough problems on your hands, and that you need a little break from the drama that your home in particular seems to cause, then we’re here to help. We want to show you some of the ways that the colder weather could damage your home, and what the warmer weather might have done to it!

Kitchen Cabinet Inspiration

Monday, September 9, 2019

If you are looking for cabinets for your kitchen, there is a lot that needs to be considered. After all, you need to make sure that the cabinets you choose add to the style of your home while also providing you with the required amount of storage space. This is especially the case when you consider the fact that kitchen space seems to be at a premium today. Below, we will take a look at some of the different things that you must consider when you are looking for kitchen cabinets. Hopefully, this will help you to get a better understanding of the different options that are out there too.


free printable home management binder
Since my blog is always gaining new followers, I wanted to share a free printable from earlier in the year.  This beautiful free printable home management binder is just what you need to have one central location for everything related to your home life.  You can store contact numbers, financial information, and deal with project planning.

Check out what's inside! 

Getting Down To Business

Saturday, September 7, 2019

  When it comes to your business there are many things you need to keep in mind to grow and prosper.  There are many tools and services out there that can help you grow your business so it's more efficient and successful.  Today's I'm going to talk about some ways to do the best for your business. 

Great Customer Service Tips

Friday, September 6, 2019

Customer service is so important for all businesses big and small and the way to make things happen whether it's with customer churn or something else, is to listen to the advice of others. 

As a blogger myself,  I need to pay attention to what I do so that I keep a good reputation in my industry but also so I meet the needs of the customers. 

Here are some great tips others in my industry have given me. 
Get Feedback
Ask your customers how you are doing and what they want to see more or less of.  You can't know how to meet your customer's needs if you don't even know what they are, right? So ask for feedback after purchases, in your newsletters, on social media, and create polls or other surveys to gather opinions from everyone.  Then look at your strengths and weaknesses and work on them. 
Pretend you are the customer
If you can't beat em join em right? That's right...pretend you are your own customer.  Are your needs being met? Is there a product or service being offered that can actually benefit you?  Is your website easy to navigate or is there too much on the screen? Do your shopping and purchasing buttons work correctly EVERY time? These are the things that can make or break your business. 

Focus on the positive

If you get higher sales from certain things you do...keep doing them but do them even better! You already have some strengths, now you just need to enhance them.  Make a plan, list the steps to achieve your goals, and get working! 

Get advice from others

Ask others what they do that makes them so successful.  Ask them for tips and advice and don't be offended if they are too busy to respond.  Just keep asking others and you'll surely get the advice you need to flourish in your industry.  Maybe your prices are too high or your product is something that's already out there.  Find a way to market better and smarter. And don't get up or get discouraged. Your customers NEED you and what you offer. So keep that end goal in mind. 

Always improve where you can

Even if it's the tiniest detail, it can make a BIG difference. Simply by changing the font on my blog actually improved my click rate.  Seriously, I didn't think that was even a big deal, but apparently it is! 

No matter what industry you're in, customer service involves the same criteria.  If your customer's needs aren't being met they won't shop from you, visit your site, or recommend you to others and that's no good for business.  Always put the customer first and do your best in your own business to thrive in your industry. 

There are also plenty of books and websites out there for more guidance on this topic of customer service so don't be afraid to do your research and even attend trainings and conferences. 

What are your tips for better customer service? 

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