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Embracing Minimalism with my Wardrobe
I recently wrote about how I began embracing minimalism in everyday life. I even got rid of my DVD collection(well most of it). Of course, the hardest thing for me to do would be to get rid of some clothing through minimalism, but once I started I realized it actually made life easier.
Somedays I feel like my closet just isn’t big enough, but then I feel like it has too much in it because I have to search through all my clothes and then I end up wearing the same selection of outfits. When I first read about embracing minimalism with clothing I thought it would be impossible…. Until I started doing it. I am so glad I did because it saves me space, time, and money!
The first thing I did was to look at all that I had since it was already organized for me (Link to Closet organizing post). I noticed there were several pieces I had multiple of. Do I really need 4 black tees? No way! So I simply got rid of the 2 older tattered ones. Simple as that!
I looked at my shoes and asked myself how many pairs of sneakers I need? I have an old pair for yard work, a hiking pair, a casual pair, and a running pair, so I took all others and donated or sold them on ebay (only the ones that weren’t really worn were sold on ebay).
I looked at my jeans….and I tried them all on. If they didn’t fit, I sold them on ebay. My drawers has so much more space, as did my closet.
I put a new rule in place for myself… one in – one out. If I get a new shirt, pair of jeans, etc. I have to get rid of 1 thing in my closet. No need to have so much. I have about a months worth of different outfit options without repeating, so there’s no need to even get anymore. Instead of buying more, I now find myself trying to figure out new outfit combos from what I already have!
I also went through my underwear drawer and got rid of any older, tattered pairs so that it’s easier to find my favorite pairs when I dig through. My closet still looks a little full, but as time goes by, when I can get rid of stuff I will…. Without adding anything new.
I also have to say that it’s so much easier to put an outfit together in the morning now. There’s less clothing to dig through and it saves me so much time!
Here’s my best tips for embracing minimalism with your wardrobe:
Get rid of multiples by tossing the oldest and most worn.
If you never wore it, get rid of it.
If it doesn’t make you look good or feel good when you wear it, get rid of it!
Don’t add anything new unless you get rid of something old.
What can YOU get rid of from your closet?