3 Indulgences To Enjoy Before The New Year

Thursday, December 29, 2022


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You may have a few plans in advance of the new year, such as losing weight, getting in shape, working on your sleep, caring for your skin more readily, and trying to work on your temper. Don’t worry, we all have these little hangups and things we’d like to improve, it’s part of being human. Just do what you can, and don’t chastise yourself without real cause to do so, you’re trying your best.

That said, the new year isn’t here yet. It can be worthwhile to indulge a little before the new year comes, making the most of the seasonal holiday and yes, enjoying yourself without guilt or a sense of tiredness in advance. You’d be amazed how helpful this can be in the long run. So, without further ado, please consider some following advice:

Brie, Cranberries, And Turkey Grilled Cheese

Why not make a nice grilled cheese sandwich with any leftover turkey and cranberry sauce from your Christmas meal? Butter two slices of bread, then top with slices of turkey, brie, and cranberry sauce. Grill the sandwich until the cheese is melted and the bread is crisp. Use up your leftover Christmas ingredients and treat yourself to a great snack with this decadent sandwich. Of course, the benefit of grilled cheese sandwiches is that they’re so versatile. They can also be dipped into soups that you may enjoy, or you may decide to add certain leftover spices to the melted cheese for a slightly different flavor profile. Moreover, they’re indulgent, and enjoyable, and filling, and you might not eat them for a while if you’re trying to stay in shape - so why not enjoy them now?

Breakfast Quesadillas With Ham And Eggs

You can make a delectable breakfast quesadilla out of any leftover ham from your Christmas meal. A tortilla only needs to be heated in a pan or microwaved for ten seconds, then folded in half with some sliced ham, scrambled eggs, and cheese. Serve with salsa, guacamole, or sour cream on the side after cooking until the cheese is melted and the tortilla is crisp. A tasty breakfast quesadilla like this one is the ideal way to start the day off right. Like before, you can add leftovers like turkey to the mix if you wish for a unique creation of your own, or wish to jazz things up a little.

Tasty Side Dishes Like Onion Rings Can Be Perfect

It’s nice to have some side dishes to enjoy with your more conventional planned meals - these are not only delicious but you won’t have to stand over the oven for hours to figure things out. Make your own onion rings if you're in the mood for a nice snack, as these can be delicious, and we’ve linked one of the best recipes to follow. From here you can also implement finger foods like tasty cocktail sausages, pizza slices with the family, or small seasonal pies you can enjoy both savory and sweet.

With this advice, you’re sure to indulge capably and comfortably before the new year. You’ve earned it.

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9 Non-Negotiable Features Your Home Should Have

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

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While your home should be beautiful, it should also be functional. It should offer features that make your life enjoyable to live, particularly when you are in the house. It shouldn’t feel like an ordeal.

This post looks at some non-negotiable features your home should have. We take a look at some of the items homeowners are desperate to own and what you should add. Read below to learn more.

An Outdoor Kitchen

Indoor kitchens used to suffice, but not anymore. Today, outdoor kitchens are all the rage. These let you entertain your guests alfresco while preparing their food at the same time.

Cooking outdoors is also a primal experience. It’s what our ancestors did and something that many people enjoy immensely. It feels natural and healthy to cook in the open air.

Pet-Friendly Spaces

Pet-Friendly spaces are also making their appearance. Instead of getting pets to share 100 percent of your accommodation with you, you provide them with a unique space that meets their needs and where there aren’t so many rules.

Pet-friendly spaces can be outside, but most people these days are choosing to put them indoors. Perhaps you could convert a mud room or even one of your outhouses if you have one.

Central Vacuum System

Central heating, mains gas, and electricity are all great additions to your home. But what about a central vacuum system?

It sounds crazy, but it’s one of the best inventions ever if you can afford it.

The way it works is simple: you just plug your vacuum attachments into sockets on the wall and then turn on your central vacuum cleaner. Then you can clean all your rooms without having to lug a great big Dyson around with you all the time.

Floor-To-Ceiling Fireplaces

In the Georgian and Victoria eras, people built floor-to-ceiling fireplaces as the centerpieces of their rooms. It was a great way to make an impression and guests loved it.

Today, such constructions are even rarer. And that’s why you should consider them. Having a floor-to-ceiling fireplace transforms your living room into something rather special indeed.

Heated Garages

Imagine the luxury of being able to go into your garage during the winter and for it not to be freezing cold. Well, that’s something more homeowners are choosing in 2023. They want garages that are warm and toasty, just like the rest of their properties.

Radiators are a major hassle in the garage, so people are using underfloor heating instead. They want the whole space to feel great while they work on their cars or bicycles. And they want to be able to spend real time there instead of always feeling like they have to rush off and do the next thing.

A Wine Cellar

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Wine cellars are also becoming more popular, according to experts, like Posada Custom Homes. Families want bespoke storage areas that keep their vintages at just the right temperature for years on end. You used to do this by digging a stone cellar beneath the foundations, but that’s quite old-school now. The modern method is to bore into the ground below people’s kitchens and provide them with extra space that way.

Large Mudrooms

Active families also want large mudrooms that let them get inside quickly but also protect their homes’ interiors at the same time. Mudrooms are the perfect option, providing a space to take off muddy boots and shoes and remove dirty clothes before getting into the main home. It’s also a great place for brushing down filthy dogs after winter walks or a jaunt in a local river.

Accessible Laundry Rooms

We’re also seeing an uptick in the number of accessible laundry rooms people are installing in their homes. Previously, the laundry room was just a small utility space stuffed out of the way with barely any room to turn around. Now, though, it’s becoming a room in its own right with plenty of areas to sit down and watch clothes going around in the machine. Accessibility is changing how people interact with their washing and making it far more enjoyable for them. It’s not just about getting in and out as quickly as possible.

Custom Shelving

Lastly, we’re seeing the inexorable rise of custom shelving. Homeowners want spaces in their properties that let them store all their possessions with ease, without having to resort to make-shift methods. They want the freedom to keep everything looking neat and tidy without constantly worrying about where something is going to go. It’s essential for anyone with a large DVD collection. 
Another feature gaining popularity is the addition of dedicated spaces for intellectual and strategic games like chess. Homeowners are creating cozy, quiet corners in their homes where they can engage in activities that stimulate the mind and promote relaxation. Playing chess in such an environment not only enhances cognitive skills but also offers a perfect way to unwind after a long day. This thoughtful addition caters to those who value mental exercise as much as physical comfort, making it a non-negotiable feature for many modern homes.

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Why It's More Important Than Ever To Keep Your Home Clean

Thursday, December 22, 2022

We all know that it’s good to have a clean home, but there’s knowing that and then there is actually putting it into practice. If you are keen to make sure that you are keeping your home as clean as possible, you might find it useful to know just why it’s so important to do so. That can help to keep you motivated even when you are struggling to find the energy to clean your home. Let’s take a look at why it’s more important than ever to keep your home as clean as you can.

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Countering Viral Spread

The pandemic taught us just how important it is to focus on personal cleanliness and on keeping the home clean. After all, if you want to work against the spread of viruses, it’s really important that you are keeping the place clean. The pandemic may be more or less over, but that doesn’t mean the virus has disappeared. Not to mention that there are plenty of other viruses still to be concerned about too. So keeping your home deeply cleaned is important for your health and the health of those around you.

Pest Control

Having pests in the home can be much more than a nuisance - it can be quite damaging to your health. So if you are keen on making sure to reduce this likelihood too, you’ll find that a decent pest control process is going to help you out a great deal. As well as getting Sniper Termite and Pest Control to come and help out when you have pests, you might also want to think about keeping the place clean, so that you can prevent those pests appearing in the first place. That is generally the best approach you can take.

Stress Reduction

A messy home is often strongly correlated with having high levels of stress. If you want to try and keep your stress to a minimum, then you’ll find that you need to keep the home free of clutter as best as you can. Just having fewer items on display around the home will help you to keep a clear head at all times, so it’s definitely something that you are going to want to be aware of. This kind of approach can make a huge difference to your mental health for the rest of your life, and that can have profound knock-on effects.

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Keeping Organized

Being organized has huge benefits: you can get a lot more done and improve your productivity, while also hopefully feeling a lot more in control and calmer about your daily life too. And it’s easier to keep organized if your home is organized - this is the first place that you should look to for that reason. Keep your home clean, and you will have a much better organization process in general, leading to some great improvements in your life.

Those are just some of the reasons you should be sure to keep your home as clean as possible at all times.

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How to Repair Your Home After a Severe Storm

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

It's not a question of if, but when. A severe storm is bound to hit your town sooner or later, and when it does, you need to be prepared. If your home is struck by a tornado, hurricane, or other high-force weather event, there are certain repairs that you will need to make in order to get it back up and running. This blog post will discuss the steps that you need to take in order to repair your home after a severe storm.

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1) Assess the damage

The first step is to assess the damage that has been done to your home. Look for signs of structural damage, broken windows, water damage from flooding, and any other potential issues. Make sure to take photos or video of the damaged areas so you can have a record of it in case you need to file an insurance claim. In addition, you should also check your home’s electrical system, HVAC systems, and gas lines to make sure that they are functioning safely and properly

2) Make emergency repairs

After you have assessed the damage, it is time to make any emergency repairs. For example, if part of your roof has been torn off by a tornado or hurricane, you need to get a tarp over the area as soon as possible in order to prevent further water damage.

If broken windows have left your home exposed to the elements, then consider temporarily boarding up those windows until you can get them professionally repaired or replaced. Also, check for any gas leaks or exposed wires, and shut off the power to those areas if necessary.

3) Contact your insurance company

Once you have made emergency repairs, it is time to contact your insurance company. They will be able to advise you on what steps to take in order to get the most out of your claim. In some cases, they may even send an adjuster out to assess the damage and determine how much coverage you are eligible for

4) Call in professionals

Depending on the severity of the storm and the extent of the damage, it may be best to call in professional help from FIRESTONE Restoration water damage restoration. Be sure to ask for references and credentials before hiring anyone. Additionally, if the storm has caused a lot of debris and damage to your yard, you may want to call in landscapers or tree removal experts to help clean up the area.

5) Take preventative steps

Finally, after your home has been repaired it is important to take preventative steps in order to avoid future damage from severe storms. This could include installing storm shutters on windows, installing a generator for backup power, replacing old roofing materials with stronger ones, and creating drainage systems around the outside of your house so that any rainwater can be directed away from it. All of these steps can help protect your home from severe weather events in the future

Making sure that your home is prepared for severe weather can be a daunting and time-consuming task. However, it is well worth the effort in order to ensure that your home remains safe and intact during a storm. Follow the steps outlined above to help repair your home after a severe storm and make sure you are prepared for whatever Mother Nature throws at you next!

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Boost Your Body's Collagen Production

Monday, December 19, 2022


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Collagen is an important protein that is found in the human body. If you are into skincare, you will probably already know a lot about collagen which is the thing that helps us to grow strong and healthy skin, hair, and nails, above all others.

Although you can buy various lotions and potions that contain collagen, it would be sensible, if you are serious about healthy skin and hair, to do what you can to boost your body’s own natural collagen production. Below you will find a few effective ways to do that:

Get some help

If you want to increase your body’s collagen levels fast, then procedures like this under eye filler which helps to get rid of wrinkles and bags can help as it will give your body a jumpstart in the production of collagen, which you can then keep on top of with some of the other suggestions in this post.

Get plenty of sleep

The more sleep you get, the more opportunity your body has to repair and rejuvenate itself, which means the easier it will be for your body to produce enough collagen to revitalize your skin, hair, and nails. You’ll news to get at least 7 hours a night for your body to produce collagen, so be sure to go to bed early.


Intermittent fasting, whereby you fast for 18 hours and eat all of your daily calories in a 6-hour window, is really good for your skin. When you consume only water for 18 hours of the day, your body enters autophagy and when this happens, your body goes into protein creation mode. Collagen is a protein, and therefore, intermittent fasting really can help you to achieve a more youthful glow.

Drink bone broth

When it comes to skincare, forget about that expensive face cream and start drinking bone broth instead. Why? Because bone broth is absolutely packed with collagen and various other nutrients that will feed your skin from the inside out and help to boost your body’s own collagen production top, Why apply collagen, when you can drink it and get the benefits from its nourishment instead?

Lift heavy weights

A lot of women will not lift weights because they think it will make them look too bulky but this really is not the case, and lifting weights will not only tone you up and slim you down, but it will also help your body to produce more skin-boosting collagen too.

How does this work? When you lift weights, your bones get stronger and healthier, and they produce more collagen as a result. This collagen can then be used by the whole body to maintain a youthful appearance that will have your friends and mainly thinking you are drinking from the fountain of youth.

The more collagen you have, the more youthful your skin will look and the stronger your hair and nails will be, which is why it is such a good idea to start boosting your body’s natural collagen production right now.

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Kitchen Clutter-Busting


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The kitchen is often one of the rooms in the home that gets far more cluttered than others. After all, if you are someone who does a lot of cooking, you will have a lot of utensils, a lot of kitchen gadgets, and a lot of jars filled with various herbs and spices, in the kitchen space.

If that is the case, and you want to clear some of your kitchen’s clutter, here are a few tips to get you started.

Hire a dumpster

If you have a lot of clutter, then before you start addressing it, then you should look into dumpster rental. This will make it easier for you to dispose of anything you no longer need or want in a fast, fuss-free, and environmentally friendly way, which is so important.

Put a sticker on it

Go around your kitchen and put a sticker on any item you have not used in the past month in one color and any item that you think may be broken in another. This will make it easy for you to immediately dispose of broken blenders or bent spoons, and it will allow you to keep track of which kitchen items you rarely if ever use so that you can get rid of them too.

If you use an item that has been stickered, simply remove the sticker before the month is out and that will be a clear sign you have used it and therefore need to keep it. Everything that still has a sticker on at the end of the month can go in the dumpster.

Invest in mason jars

Large mason jars are great for organizing everything from dried herbs and spices to dried lentils and pasta and even things like toothpicks. The more of them you have, the easier it will be for you to safely store and organize the things you need to keep in the kitchen. Use sticky labels - chalk labels are great because you can repurpose them - to write down what is in each jar and your kitchen will be instantly more organized.

Clear the counters

Your kitchen counters should not contain anything that you do not use every day. So, if you only have toast at the weekends, put the toaster in a cupboard, or if you rarely use the knives in your block, store them safely away in a drawer instead.

Most of us are so used to leaving various gadgets out in the kitchen, but that just means there is less space or chopping and kneading and cooking up a storm, so by hiding those gadgets away, you can instantly create more space and a more clutter-free environment for your kitchen too.

Clutter-busting the kitchen, as you can see, may take a little time and effort, but it will be so worth it when your kitchen space is clean, clear, and much easier for you to navigate when cooking up a storm, so get in there and start busting that clutter right now!

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A Checklist for Preparing for the New Year Ahead


We have almost made it through 2022 and I know it hasn't been the easiest.  I have had a rough year with lots of ups and downs but I am ready for 2023.  One of the things I do every December is begin to prepare all aspects of my life for the new year so today I'm giving you some suggestions for a checklist of your own so you head into 2023 prepared!

3 Tips For Cleaning Your Home's Exterior

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Many people who clean their homes themselves usually focus on the interior. And it is understandable since this is where you spend the most time with friends and family. However, it is important to note that the exterior also adds value, and it is necessary to conduct routine home maintenance on these parts. Moreover, when your immediate outdoors is dirty or unkempt, it becomes more susceptible to extreme weather and may even expose the indoors. As a solution, here are cleaning tips to keep your home’s exterior in good condition.

Wash the siding

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It doesn’t matter what material your siding is made of because it still will attract dirt. Admittedly, some siding materials are designed to mask dirt and to aid in easy cleaning. However, if you ride on that marketing gimmick, you might end up with layers of dirt that may become difficult to wash off. Different households adopt varying cleaning methods for their home’s siding. Some opt for pressure washing, while others prefer wiping it down with a damp cotton cloth. Another method that has proven to be effective to consider is soft washing. It is the exact opposite of pressure washing and targets dirt at the source rather than blowing surface dust. For this reason, many households are using this cleaning method. The trick to cleaning your siding is to concentrate on the overlapped areas. This is where dust, dirt, insects, and grime hide the most. Remember to keep your windows closed when cleaning your siding. It will prevent dust from getting blown indoors.

Tackle stains in the driveway and the garage floors

According to data on US homes, about 55% of households park their cars in the garage. Additionally, 7 in 10 homes have stained garage floors. Usually, this is caused by oil and other lubricant leaks from underneath the vehicles. It is the same problem with driveways. These stains are hard to scrub off with just soap and water. You need approved solvents to dissolve the oil stains and make cleaning easier. Driveway and garage cleaning experts say the best way to tackle these external parts of the home is to single out stains first.

It would be best if you first poured approved oil-dissolving agents on all stained areas. After 10 – 20 minutes, you can scrub the surface. When that is done, it is advisable to surface clean the entire area. When you fail to handle stained areas first, general cleaning of the floors may harden these discolorations. This is particularly important when your garage floor or driveway is concrete. Coated garage floors are easier to handle than concrete options.

Protect outside light fixtures and vents

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The external parts of the home accumulate more dust and debris than the indoors. This is why it is crucial to keep your windows closed when cleaning the home’s siding. However, there is more. Outside light fixtures, electrical outlets, and vents are more at risk of collecting flyaway debris from your vigorous outdoor cleaning activities.

It is therefore recommended to protect these components with safe plastic sheets or coverings. It is also advisable to move outdoor furniture away from the cleaning area. If they’re bulky, an appropriate protective covering will be required. Sometimes, even with ample covering, you may have to dust off your lawn furniture after your outdoor cleaning chores. With winter starting soon, it would be a good idea to clean your outdoors.

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