My Post-KonMari Kitchen & Bathrooms

Thursday, February 25, 2016

I wanted to make sure those that don't follow me on social media can still see the amazing way my life has been changed thanks to this method so I'm going to share it each week.   This week I'm featuring my kitchen and my bathrooms.  My kitchen has a lot of storage space but that doesn't mean I have to keep a lot of unnecessary things. 

 Excess toiletries go in the second bathroom's small closet. 

Dryel 101: Meet Your Wardrobe's New Best Friend

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

This site has affiliate links and sponsored content. Read my Disclosure Policy.

Think of all the money you spend on the nice high quality pieces of clothing that hang in your closet right now.   Your wardrobe is an investment and it should be treated as such.  That's why you need to properly care for your clothing.   Clothing should be hung properly so that it doesn't become creased and wrinkled and it should be properly cleaned when necessary.  

The tricky thing about that last part is that not everything can just be tossed in the washing machine on laundry day.  There are some articles of clothing that MUST be dry cleaned.

I don't know about you but I am a busy gal and I don't have the time to run all over town picking up dry cleaning every few days and I certainly don't have the money to do that on a regular basis.  So I'd like to introduce you to Dryel

Dryel is a patented at-home dry cleaning process that is simple and safe on your clothing.  You can refresh your clothing in just 15 minutes in your dryer!   And if you need to deep clean certain items, Dryel has a booster spray that you can use and tumble in the dryer for 30 minutes.  Dryel preserves the shape and protects the color of your clothing without using any harsh chemicals.  The best part is that you don't have to leave your house to dry clean at home!

Dryel is SO easy to use - you just pre-treat and stains or heavily soiled areas with the Dryel Boosters Spray and add a few garments to the reusable fabric protection bag.  Then you toss in 1 ULTRAcleaning cloth and tumble in the dryer on medium heat for either 15 minutes to renew and refresh or 30 minutes to deep clean.  How it works is the heat in the dryer activates the Dryel ULTRAcleaning cloth and it releases chemicals and steam that penetrate the fiber in your clothing.  This steam helps remove body soil and odors from clothing and it gets vented out of your dryer.   

I can't tell you how much easier Dryel has made my life!!!    Stay tuned for some more posts about how amazing Dryel can be for your wardrobe!

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Fixing Your Finances | 5 Things You'll Learn from the Book

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

So in case you haven't seen my multiple posts about my new book last week, it's finally here! Fixing Your Finances is available for purchase.   But why should you buy it and what will you take away from it? Well...

A Night in the Life of My Face

Monday, February 22, 2016

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser.  All opinions are mine alone.  #MyBioreFizz #CollectiveBias

Spring is so close that I can literally feel it.  I mean really, my face can feel it.  The weather is changing which means the air is changing which means my skincare routine has to evolve.  Spring cleaning is one of my favorite things to do around my home but whenever it starts, I know that it's time to adjust my nightly ritual for my face.   I love spring time because I really start pampering myself more so I feel more energized and refreshed.  So take a look at a night in the life of my face.

When I'm relaxing around the house in the evening I want my hair out of my face so I normally put it up in a little bun with a cute hair tie.  Sometimes when I put my hair up I feel more ready relax so this helps set the mood for my nightly routine.

In order to keep my hair off my face when I'm pampering my face I need to use a sweatband to hold hair off my face.  The sweatband also helps me focus more on spreading a product on my face instead of being extra careful so I don't get it in my hair.

Now we get to the fun part of what I actually use on my face.  My go to products are Bioré Baking Soda Cleansing Scrub and Bioré Baking Soda Pore Cleanser.  That's right, you heard me!   In today's post I'm using Bioré Baking Soda Cleansing Scrub which is great for combination skin like I have.  I usually get really bored when I tend to my facial routine but I love using Bioré Baking Soda Cleansers because I can watch it fizz into action on my face! 

Both cleansers are perfectly pH balanced and excellent for combination skin.  Baking soda is a natural cleansing ingredient and exfoliator so it really leaves pores clean and soft!

 Bioré Baking Soda Cleansing Scrub is New and it actually feels like baking soda fizz!  It's a powder scrub and it's activated by water! This scrub penetrates deep into pores and dissolves the dirt and oil and it exfoliates dry skin without over-scrubbing.  It's a great gentle way to do it.  The customizable scrub actually lets you dial up or down for the amount of exfoliation needed.

Bioré Baking Soda Pore Cleanser is also new and is a dual-action baking soda formula that dissolves deep down dirt and oil and it gently exfoliates your skin.  In just 2 days you can have purified pores! 

I honestly never thought I would love baking soda cleansers so much but I do! What a great way for my face to welcome spring!

You can find Bioré Baking Soda Cleansing Scrub and Bioré Baking Soda Pore Cleanser at Walmart in the facial care aisle! If you have oily skin, be sure to check out Bioré Charcoal products!

Would you be more likely to enjoy your night time skin routine with Bioré Baking Soda Cleansers?  Do you have oily or combination skin?

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Love Your Hair [+ a giveaway]

Friday, February 19, 2016

This site has affiliate links and sponsored content. Read my Disclosure Policy.

February is the month for love but I hear so many peopel say how much they "hate" their hair.   There's no reason to hate your hair - it's beautiful, it can help you dress up or down, and it keeps your head warm.  So why neglect it and abuse it? 

So here are a few ways to love your hair more this month.

[1] Use Less Heat
Try letting your hair air dry naturally and only use a flat iron when absolutely necessary.  Over drying your hair can cause breakage and frizz.

[2] Protect it from Elements
The sun can be taxing on your skin AND your hair.  It can make your color fade and it can try out your strands.  The sun isn't the only element that fries your hair.  Coloring your hair, especially when you lighten it is so hard on your hair and people that lighten it year after year often suffer from breakage and can't grow their hair out.  

[3] Wash Less
Rinsing your hair in the shower is fine, but using shampoo every time can dry out your hair so try to go longer between shampoos.  In the meantime you can use dry shampoo to soak up and oil so it looks like you have washed your hair more recently.

[4] Use a Treatment
It's important to do something extra for your hair each week.  That's why I love my hair with VO5’s Hot Oil Therapy, which is a once weekly treatment that only takes one minute.  It has a 5-vitamin protein rich formula which helps restore shine, strength, and softness.  You just apply it to hair right before shampooing and then rinse it out.  It leaves my hair so luscious.

One of you lucky people is going to win VO5's Hot Oil Therapy for yourself!

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My Post-KonMari Office

Thursday, February 18, 2016

If you've been following my social media channels the past few weeks you have surely seen my photos of my post-KonMari home.   Each day I upload one photo from my home, sometimes it's a drawer or a closet, but all of them show how the KonMari Method has changed my life.   

If you haven't heard of the KonMari Method it's an amazing process of tidying every aspect of your life to keep only what is practical and what brings you joy.  It was created by Marie Kondo and she details it in her books  The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy

Delicious Gourmet Condiments from Little Acre Gourmet Foods [+ a giveaway]

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

This site has affiliate links and sponsored content. Read my Disclosure Policy.

Before I moved into this house, I didn't cook a darn thing.  So when I started cooking in the summer and preparing dinners every night, I had to look up things online like the difference between dicing and cubing.  Now, I know a ton of cooking terms, I can substitute ingredients, and even make things from scratch.   So over the past few months I've experimented with different ingredients and I would love to share one of them with you today.  

Little Acre Gourmet Foods is a line of gourmet condiments that are made from scratch in small batches and turn everyday food into something delicious!  They offer whole seed mustards, gourmet ketchups, onion relish, and bourbon cranberry sauce.   I really want to tell you about these gourmet ketchups! 

First of all you can use these as a ketchup, a cocktail sauce, or a salsa!!   Their Spicy Ketchup Collection has three levels - Original, Spicy, and More Spicy.  All of them have three different peppers in them rather than just one like you normally find in salsa.  Each ketchup has jalapeno, red, and cayenne pepper inside.  These are absolutely delicious and have so much flavor to them. 

I've used them in place of salsa so many times in the past couple of weeks when guests stopped by.  Everyone loves the flavor and the fact that they can choose the level of spice they get.  

I also have used it to glaze chicken before baking in the oven.  These ketchups add so much flavor and while they are spicy, it's not overpowering!  

I love supporting companies that take the time to put love and deliciousness in their products and Little Acre does just that! 
  And one lucky winner is going to get the beautiful collection above from Little Acre!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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How to Turn Your Kitchen Junk Drawer into a Utility Drawer in 7 Easy Steps

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Everyone seems to have a 'junk drawer' in their kitchen.  It contains things you use on a regular basis as well as other random items that you can't find a place for.  The problem with that is that the more useless items you store in this drawer, the harder it is to find the stuff you do need when you actually need it. 

10 Easy Ways to be More Active in 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

It's a well known fact that a sedentary lifestyle is an unhealthy one, but not everyone has free time to work out so I wanted to put together 10 easy ways to be more active in 2016.  These are things that you can do in your everyday life so you don't have to go out of your way to find extra time to do them. 

1// Park Further Away
When you park at work or at a store, choose a spot that's farther away so you have to work even more to get in and out.  
2// Take the Steps
Anytime there's an elevator, opt for the staircase.

3//Listen to Music When You Cook Dinner
Trust me, it'll make you dance a bit! 

4//Vacuum More Often
Add an extra day of running the sweeper in your home

5//Walk Around On A Phone Call
Most of us sit still when we talk on the phone, but if you walk around you'll get some extra steps in. Hey, anything's better than sitting around not moving, right? 

6//Take Breaks At Work
Twice a day, get up and walk away from your desk and either take a lap around your building, or take the stairs a few times.  Keep moving!

7//Take A Walk with Your Pet
Take a walk when you let your dog outside instead of just tying them out. 

8//Wash Your Car Yourself
Instead of going through the drive through wash, use one of the bays and do it yourself.  You'll move A LOT because it's usually a race against time until your coins run out!

9//Commercial Breaks
When you watch your favorite show, get up and walk around your house for the commercial breaks.

10//Make Less Trips
When you unload groceries from your car, don't take as many bags as you can.  Instead, let it take a few trips so that you can get some extra steps in.

What do you do in order to be more active? 


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