The Different Types of Family Psychiatric Services and Their Applications

Monday, August 21, 2023


Involvement of family members in psychiatric treatment has been found to optimize outcomes and improve family functioning. This is especially true in the case of family psychoeducation, which is effective for outpatient psychiatric care (1).

Psychoeducation allows families to become better acquainted with mental illness and its treatments. This can help them recognize symptoms sooner, enabling them to access psychiatric services more quickly.


When people think of counseling, they may picture themselves lying on a leather couch and telling the doctor their feelings. This is one type of counseling, but many others help with more complex issues.

Psychotherapy, another term for counseling, can be provided by various mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, licensed social workers and counselors. It can treat different mental health conditions, such as anxiety, mood, and personality disorders.

Counseling can be offered in various ways, such as face-to-face, over the telephone or via the Internet. Some family psychiatrist near me may also offer home visits, which can be especially helpful for families with children or adolescents. Other options include animal-assisted and creative arts therapies such as art, dance, drama and music.


Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, offers various therapeutic methods to treat mental health conditions and emotional distress. It may be recommended by a medical specialist or provided as an alternative to medication.

Almost all types of psychotherapy involve developing a relationship with the therapist and working through unhelpful thoughts and behaviors. People come to therapy with their own goals, including reducing stress, improving relationships, coping with major life events or overcoming mental illness symptoms.

There are many different styles and approaches to psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), interpersonal psychotherapy and systemic psychotherapy. The latter focuses on relationships' individual and group dynamics and includes family therapy, marriage counseling and group therapy. There are also more specific forms of psychotherapy, such as psychodynamic and gestalt therapy.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Psychiatric rehabilitation, or psych rehab, helps individuals with psychiatric conditions to increase their independence in areas of daily living. This is accomplished through assessing functioning challenges in different domains and developing specific interventions to address those challenges.

Family therapy includes cognitive-behavioral therapies that focus on changing problematic behaviors, psychodynamic ideas that probe into the subconscious to reduce distress and conflict, and supportive therapy, which focuses on reducing stress and creating a healthy support system.

Psychiatric mental health nurses (PMHN) are registered nurses with additional training in mental illness and can prescribe medication if state law allows. Psychiatric rehabilitation can also include services provided by psychiatric counselors, psychiatric social workers and activity therapists. Medical Assistance usually covers psychiatric rehabilitation services. However, exceptions can be made for certain counties.


Psychoeducation is a form of education that offers clients and their family members the opportunity to learn more about their mental health conditions. It also helps them understand the treatment that is available to them.

The research on psychoeducation suggests that it may reduce relapse rates in schizophrenia, depression, and anorexia nervosa. It can also help family members recognize early warning signs and manage recurrence.

This therapy is available in both individual and group settings. Its roots lie in behavioral therapy, but it can also include elements of client-centered care.

Depending on the situation, therapists can use active or passive psychoeducation. In active psychoeducation, the therapist will present information to patients/family members during sessions, leading to interaction and clarification. In passive psychoeducation, the therapist will send educational materials, such as pamphlets or audio/visual recordings, for patients/family members to read and assimilate independently.

Medication Management

Medication management is prescribing and monitoring psychotropic medication by a qualified psychiatrist. Family members struggling with psychiatric disorders can also benefit from this service by receiving counseling and different communication techniques.

Psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners can both prescribe medication. Sometimes, your primary care physician, nurse practitioner or physician's assistant may also be qualified to prescribe medication.

Other healthcare professionals that can offer psychiatric services are clinical nurse specialist or advanced practice registered nurse who has specialized training in mental health issues, and state law permits them to prescribe medications. Medication management is a component of family psychiatric services that allows experienced providers to evaluate your prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins and supplements for desired results.

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