Meet My NEW WolfPack

Monday, January 15, 2024

Well, the last time I did a post like this it was with my original wolfpack. You can read about them here still, as I'm not yet ready to change that part of my blog.  And I ended up losing all of them in a 3 year period. Stella in 2020, Pixie in 2022, and Rocky and Grace in 2023.  But during that time I was also adding to my wolfpack to build up a new one.  And with 3 out of 4 of them (I just love having 4 for some reason) here now, I figured I should introduce them.

Daisy is 3 years old at the time of this post.  Born in 2020, she was a pandemic puppy and the first new dog we introduced after unexpectedly losing Stella.  Daisy is actually our alpha now and it worked out perfectly because we lost Pixie, our original alpha, and we needed someone to take control again.  She knows all the rules and enforces them. If someone acts up, she scolds them, just like her predecessor Pixie.  Daisy is especially smart.  She listens to every word we say and understands a lot of it.  Even if we are just talking to each other, Daisy picks up on words she knows and can piece together what we are saying and then she reacts to it.  She loves to play fetch and stare out the front window, letting us know if anyone walks by.
Layla is our sweet girl.  She is 1 1/2 at the time of this post.  She is a definite mama's girl and when I leave the house she spends the entire time staring out the window waiting for me to return, which is just what Grace did.  Layla is a sensitive girl and is always eager to please.  She really loves Daisy and for a while it was the two of them with nothing but senior dogs, so they became very close.  Layla and Daisy are the best of friends and enjoy lounging together.  Layla likes going on walks and racing around the backyard.
Tuco is our newest addition. He's 6 months at the time of this post and our only boy.  He is a very sweet little guy and he is actually Layla's brother.  They came from the same parents, just a different litter. He is a lot like her with his mannerisms.  Must be the genetics, of course! Tuco loves snuggling and is very much in love with his older sisters, especially Layla.  He is always tagging along wherever she goes.  He loves to explore and play with toys.  He is just the goodest little boy.  
Well, I am sure you'll get to know my new wolfpack a lot more over the years so stay tuned.  

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