Why Dwelling on the Past Keeps You Stressed Out

Sunday, June 30, 2024


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Everyone is guilty of dwelling on the past, but doing this is only going to get the best of you. Honestly, it’s like having a never-ending movie playing in your head, right? And spoiler alert—it's not a feel-good flick. Reliving past mistakes, regrets, and what-ifs can keep you in a constant state of stress. It can just make it really tough to manage the here and now because you’re so caught up on what happened, and that alone makes you fear the future. But why does this happen? Let’s dive into it.
The Unending Loop of Regret

Ever had one of those days where you can't stop thinking about that embarrassing thing you did years ago? Who hasn’t? When you keep replaying these moments, you're essentially trapping your mind in a loop of regret. It's like a broken record that just won’t stop. This mental loop is a major stress trigger because your brain starts to react to these memories as if they're happening right now. The result? Your stress levels shoot through the roof.
The Stress of “What If?”

Ah, the classic "what if?" game. What if I had taken that job? What if I had said something different in that argument? While it's fun to imagine alternate realities, constantly questioning your past decisions can lead to a ton of unnecessary stress. Actually, this is going to lead to resentment; speculating isn’t always a good decision either. So, instead of focusing on what you can control in the present, you're wasting mental energy on scenarios that no longer matter.

This habit can leave you feeling anxious and overwhelmed like you're always second-guessing yourself. Plus, if you see a therapist, they’re also going to tell you to focus on the here and now because you’re safe in the here and now. Basically, you need to start practicing mindfulness because this is the only way to get yourself more absorbed into what you’re dealing with at that moment in time.

But it’s really going to help to look into some other ways to get yourself to relax and be pulled into the moment, some people will use THC infused gummies or even CBD, since both of these are known for their relaxing qualities. It’s just never good to dwell on the past or even fear what the future might have in store. You’re safe right now, and you need to focus on that.
The Emotional Baggage Cart

So, you should think of your mind as a traveler and the past as a heavy suitcase. When you dwell on past events, you're essentially dragging that emotional baggage everywhere you go.

Plus, this added weight can make it hard to move forward, and the constant struggle can wear you down. It’s like trying to run a marathon while carrying a giant backpack full of rocks—exhausting and stressful. So, do you really want that for yourself?
Don’t Forget About the Perfectionist Trap

If you’re a perfectionist, dwelling on the past can be particularly brutal. Yes, you read that right; it’s more than “what-ifs,” too. You might fixate on every tiny mistake, convincing yourself you should have done better.

This mindset doesn’t just cause stress; it can also lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Instead of learning from your past and moving on, you get stuck in a cycle of self-criticism that’s hard to break.

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