NOW is the Time to Prep for 2024

Monday, December 11, 2023

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You are about to enter some weird times.  It will be chaotic before the holidays but as soon as Christmas is over, so begins the lull before New Year's Day and  after that begins the cold, dreary, month of January.  But you can start preparing for everything that next year holds for you RIGHT NOW but getting yourself ready immediately with the advice in this post.

Get a Calendar
Get your 2024 calendar and start filling it out ASAP.  I always use the current year calendar and go month by month copying over birthdays and any important annual dates.  Make sure you note any doctor's appointments too! Once the New Year comes you can turn the page and your calendar is all set!
Work on Taxes
It's really the ideal time to gather your documents and make a check list of what other forms and documents you'll need before you can file.  If you're expecting a tax return, there's really no excuse not to be ready to file as soon as you can!
Set Fitness Goals
Right now is the time to set long term fitness and wellness goals and taking action to make them happen. Get that gym membership, look up some good workout videos, and make a fun tracking system to chart your fitness and health goals.
Review Your Budget
You should always review your budget but December is an ideal time to take a look at what you budget for and what changes need made for the new year.  Review your monthly expenses to see what you can reduce or even eliminate completely!

Make 2024 Appointments
Make all the necessary appointments for 2024 that you can including vet appointments, regular doctor appointments, appointments you've been putting off (mammogram!!), and anything else you can think of.  This way, they don't creep up on you suddenly, leaving you limited options for dates that work for you.

Schedule and Plan Days Off
If you plan to take some time off for vacation, now is the time to plan it, book it, start saving for it, and marking it on your calendar so you know to request time off work closer to your vacay! I go through my calendar every year and pick specific days to take off "just because".  I like doing it because if I wait to do them throughout the year, I tend to feel guilty for taking a day off so I just don't. 

Plan Home Improvements
The same goes for you home improvements.  Create a list of the projects you want done this year, set a timeline for them, make a budget, and start taking action when the time comes.  

Hopefully you have some time in the next few weeks to get ready for the entire next year. What else do you do to prepare for the year ahead?

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