A cozy month of celebration meant lots of excuses to girl up with good books like the below....
The Less People Know About Us by Axton Betz-Hamilton
A sad but intriguing story of a girl who has grown up struggling after learning she was a victim of identity theft at a young age. As she grows up she starts to realize things are very odd within her own family, and when she discovers who is actually the person behind the identity theft she has to accept it and move forward.
The Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth
This book is really good and lets you look at your finances in a spiritual way. It really helped me come to term with how I view money in general and how my past has influenced my beliefs about money. This is a book that you can read all at once in a day or you can break into chapters as you work on yourself and your finances.
The 6-Minute Diary
All you need to know about this journal is that it will change your life, and I've only been using it for about a month so far. There are pages for every week, weekly questions to answer, a tracker for habits, and a really thorough introduction in the beginning to help you understand why this practice every day is so important and how to do it. It's seriously changed how I feel on a daily basis. I was already a sucker for lists and journals but this is truly amazing. It allows me to take 6 minutes a day, every single day to reflect on myself and work on my mindfulness and productivity. I love the monthly check up and the weekly challenges. The habit tracker has also been super helpful with some goals I've set for myself. YOU NEED THIS JOURNAL!
This Book Will Make You Fall Asleep by Andrews McMeel Publishing
This book is fun and it's really worked for me. It kind of makes you do brain teasers but they just relax your brain. I have been using it recently to help my brain settle down before I turn in for the night. Such a cute book and a lovely present to someone that struggles to fall asleep.
The Book of Chinese Proverbs by Gerd de Ley
What an amazing and beautiful book. You can read it a page a day or all at once. I recommend taking time to sit and reflect on each proverb you read to figure out the deeper meaning and how it applies to your life. I have been using these to really look at the events happening on an everyday basis in my life. Such a treasure!
What have you read this month?
I need to start reading more books.