Even if you are a pro at managing your money and avoiding impulse buys at the mall or clothing store, most of us can still agree that one part of our budget is always a struggle. For some reason, the grocery store is full of temptation and since food is technically a necessity, it seems that it's easier for one to lose control when perusing the aisles.
if you are reading this post and saying "but I don't even have a
grocery budget?!" then let me stop you right there. It's actually quite
easy as I described in one of my best posts, my guide to being on a budget.
You just take a look at 1 month's worth of grocery receipts and see
what you spent. Now, obviously your receipts can be full of impulse
buys so even if your amount is say $500 a month, you could still get it
down lower with some of the tips I'm about to share. But that's how you
get a basic number.
So here are a few ways to stay within budget at the grocery store.
1. Buy only what you need.
I know I know, easier said than done. But if you read my simple guide to meal planning,
you'd see that by planning all your meals and making your list based
off those meals, you can easily make a list of only the things that you
will be eating in a week until your next trip. So decide on meals, make
your list, and then stick to it!
2. Arrange your list by aisle.
the best way to avoid an unnecessary stroll down an aisle is to have
your trip mapped out with your list. If you go to the same grocery
store each week, you probably have a good idea of how the store is set
up. So set up your list by aisle. I group my list by produce, meat,
boxed goods, dairy, frozen, etc. This can also make your trip much
quicker since you know exactly where to go and if you despise grocery
stores like I do, you'll be in a much better mood when you realize you
didn't waste more time there than you had to.
3. Understand coupons and if they are needed.
are great, but sometimes they make you buy brands that are more
expensive anyways. For example, I often see coupons for name brand
cereal. But if I choose to buy the generic brand of that cereal, I can
often get it for cheaper than buying the name brand WITH a coupon.
Plus, if you are buying really wholesome and healthy foods you really
won't even
need coupons because you can practically avoid the center aisles when
you stick to produce and fresh stuff. I mean, when's the last time you
saw a coupon for apples?
4. Buy generic.
I said in number 3, buy generic whenever you can. It's less expensive
AND it's usually the same ingredients, just not by a name brand
5. Don't go hungry.
eat a meal or have a snack BEFORE you go to the grocery store. Trust
me, when you're hungry, you tend to notice all the distractions along
the way which end up being impulse buys.
6. Avoid distractions.
you are standing in line, play on your phone instead of perusing the
candy bars and magazines. They are all put there for a reason.
Generally, when you're bored you're more likely to put something in your
cart while waiting.
7. Stick to your budget.
So after
2 months of using the tips above for grocery shopping, add up your
monthly receipts and make that your new grocery budget. And then
continue to use the tips above to stick to that budget.
It's not rocket science...really!
Be sure to join my Facebook group, Fixing Your Finances, to help you with your finance journey along the way.
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