Spring's pretty much here and that means it's time to plan your to do list and fun bucket list for Spring! To get you started, here are some ideas for stuff you can plan to do in the next couple months.
Start Your Garden
Go shopping for the plants you want in your garden this year that you planned out in the Winter. Make a shopping list and check off the plants you get so you know what's still left. Do maintenance to your garden beds as well like cleaning them up now that Winter is gone.
Go Fishing or Hiking
Spend time outside in the trees or near water by hiking or fishing either by yourself or with friends. Now's a great time of year for these types of outdoor activities because it's not too warm but not too cool.
Refresh Your Wardrobe
Make a list of Spring and Summer pieces you may need. Get repairs made to any pieces from Winter that need it. If you store your warm weather clothes separate because your Winter gear was front and center in your closet, make sure you swap now. Trust me, it's safe to pack those heavy sweaters away!
Take Rain Walks
Even though it may be raining, make sure you get outside. Going on a walk in the rain (with an umbrella) is actually quite relaxing and a very unique experience.
Get Crafty Outdoors
Move your craft projects outside by setting up a station on patio or porch so you can enjoy the nicer weather as you crochet, paint, or whatever it is you plan to create!
Pick a Bouquet
Make your very own bouquet from your own yard with some of your Spring flowers. Not only is it cheaper than a store bought one but you'll enjoy them much more knowing they came from your very own yard!
What are you adding to YOUR Spring bucket list?
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