Research indicates that approximately 50 to 70 million Americans have ongoing sleep disorders. Indeed, sleep deprivation can trigger health issues like stroke, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular diseases. Likewise, it can leave you prone to work or road-related accidents, endangering your life. Inadequate sleep can also trigger depression while impairing your cognitive functions. Several sleep disorders exist, and knowing how to treat them can improve your nightly rest and overall well-being. Here are a few you can consider.
Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea happens when breathing stops and constantly resumes when asleep, causing your body to get less oxygen than needed. Excessive weight, large tonsils, overbites, and the like usually cause this disorder. If left untreated, it can affect your sleep quality and daytime routine. It’s worth noting that this sleep disorder comes in two forms; central and obstructive sleep apnea. With central apnea, the brain fails to send the signals needed to breathe. On the other hand, obstructive sleep apnea is triggered by constant blockage to your upper airway, reducing or stopping airflow.
Certain symptoms can help you detect this disorder and get treatment quickly. Loud snoring, gasping for air when sleeping, hypersomnia, irritability, and so on are all signs of sleep apnea. Fortunately, sleep apnea can be treated with the right steps. For instance, you can exercise and eat healthy to shed excess weight. This can reduce excess throat tissue and alleviate your symptoms. Consequently, avoid sleeping on your back or drinking alcohol before bedtime. Sometimes, you may require surgery or devices to help you breathe while asleep, so keep this in mind.
Restless leg syndrome
This neurological disorder causes an unshakeable urge to move your legs when lying in bed or sitting. Additionally, you may feel a pulling, crawling, or tingling sensation on your legs. Although you may experience these symptoms during the day, they are more pronounced at night. And since movement can alleviate these symptoms, you may constantly toss and turn in bed at night, causing you to stay awake. And over time, inadequate sleep can affect their daily activities and overall health. While the cause of restless leg syndrome isn’t determined, several experts speculate it can be hereditary or triggered by environmental situations.
Making simple lifestyle changes can help alleviate restless leg syndrome. For instance, consider limiting or eliminating your intake of tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol. Stretching and massaging your leg muscles before bed can also help. Alternatively, take a hot bath, meditate before bed, and keep a heating pad or ice pack around to relieve the symptoms. You can also take medications to manage your symptoms; dopaminergic agents, sleep aids, anticonvulsants, and opioids are great options.
Narcolepsy is also a chronic neurological disorder that inhibits the brain from controlling sleep-wake cycles. As a result, you may feel rested after waking but are mostly tired throughout the day. Moreover, they can wake up frequently at night, interrupting their sleep. Narcolepsy can pose a great danger to those experiencing it. For instance, you may unwillingly fall asleep amid talking, eating, or driving. You may also experience sudden muscle weakness that makes you unable to move while awake. Other symptoms include hallucinations and sleep paralysis. If left untreated, narcolepsy can affect your social, psychological, and cognitive functions. Brain injuries, genetics, or autoimmune disorders can trigger this disorder.
While there isn’t a cure for narcolepsy, you can manage the symptoms and have a restful night. And you can do this by getting medications like antidepressants, modafinil, and so on. Making lifestyle changes is also beneficial, so keep this in mind. Experts recommend taking naps when you feel sleepiest. Alternatively, maintain a regular sleep schedule, and avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed. Exercise for at least 20 minutes and have a warm bath before bed.
Insomnia is characterized by the inability to fall asleep or get adequate sleep. It’s worth noting that people can suffer from this disorder, even if the conditions are right for sleeping. Short-term insomnia is often triggered by stress, environmental, or schedule changes and lasts a few days. On the other hand, chronic insomnia occurs at least three nights weekly and can linger for months. In addition to lack of sleep, you may experience fatigue, impaired memory, decreased motivation, moodiness, and so on. While there are no established causes of insomnia, it can be triggered by mood disorders, chronic pain, stressful life events, other sleep disorders, and the like.
Fortunately, you can eradicate insomnia with the right strategies. For instance, you can maintain a regular sleep schedule and remove all distractions, including your smart devices. While at it, avoid eating large meals, coffee, or alcohol before bed. And if your insomnia is caused by stress, consider using supplements like Delta 9 THC gummies to relax your nerves. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy are also excellent for chronic insomnia.
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