Before I get into the garden, let me just tell you that 2 weeks ago I went outside first thing in the morning to let Rocky out. And lo and behold THERE WAS FRED! The last I saw of Fred was the first week of September when I took a photo of him and then after that I assumed he hopped out of the garden bed. But since I didn't know for sure I was always wondering and feeling bummed because I truly thought maybe something got him.
Well, I was wrong because here he is! I even compared the tiniest details of his markings. It's him! He even let me pet him for a good few minutes! I was so ecstatic!
So anyways back to my garden...
Well I only got 3 butternut squash from my garden before everything died off. Some that were starting to develop ended up rotting. Same thing as what happened to the cucumbers. Which I knew would happen because the Cucumber Beetles were having a party on the butternut squash so it was only a matter of time.
Aside from that my lettuce is doing great and so are my peppers. I'll harvest my onions before the first frost.
I can't wait for next year so I can do the best garden ever now that I know what works for me and what doesn't!
Sounds like your garden has been doing good.