How To Get More Confident This Summer

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Do you ever look at a friend, or even a stranger and think, “I wish I could be as confident as them?”

Well, here’s a secret for you: you can be.

This is because confidence is more of a state of mind than anything else, meaning that with a little practice, you can change your current mindset into one that is more optimistic, positive, and ultimately more confident. Here are some top tips that you can use to get started!

Photo by Jordan Donaldson | @jordi.d on Unsplash

Identify what makes people confident. There are various different ways in which people can be confident. For example, they can be confident with their appearance, their personality, or their professional capabilities. Identifying these differences and the common traits of self-confident people will help you develop the skills you need to become more confident. For example, confident people are often non-judgemental, outspoken, and great communicators - which are skills you can work on pretty easily.

Smile more often. Smiling, even when you don’t necessarily feel like it, can actually boost your confidence considerably. This is because smiling activities your mind’s production of happiness-boosting endorphins, which help you to feel more relaxed and comfortable. This can be easier said than done, however, if you aren’t comfortable with your natural smile. Thankfully, there are various ways to combat this. For example, you could pop by a trusted Dental Office to enquire about their cosmetic dentistry services, such as teeth whitening.

Upgrade your wardrobe. Upgrading your wardrobe is another great way to boost your confidence, though you should focus on wearing clothes that you feel comfortable and relaxed in. After all, when you are at your most comfortable, you’ll also feel naturally more confident as you'll look your best. If you aren’t the most fashion-forward, consider asking a friend to shop with you or ask a personal stylist for tips on how to source flattering, yet stylish clothing. For example, you could focus on curating a simple capsule wardrobe.

Practice self-love. Learning the art of self-love can also help you to unlock your confidence. This is because it encourages you to embrace yourself for who you are, not who you think you should be. Remember that we are all different and that these differences should be embraced, not shunned. To put it simply: never let anyone dull your sparkle. The easiest way to achieve this goal is to start challenging negative thoughts whenever they arise. Whenever you find yourself thinking negatively, replace that thought with at least three positive ones about yourself. The more you get into the habit of doing this, the easier it will be to be more naturally positive and confident.

Start working out. Introducing exercise into your routine is another great way to boost your confidence - but not for the reason you may think. Sure, working out can help you get in better shape, and even help you lose weight, but it can also help boost your confidence in helping you realize what your body is capable of. Regular exercise helps you improve your strength, fitness and endurance levels, which is sure to fill you with a sense of accomplishment.

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