I always love telling people about simple things they can do with their personal finances that can make big gains over time and today I'm sharing some of my favorite game changing budgeting hacks!
Set up automatic savings.
Set up automatic savings.
This makes it fool-proof to set any amount of money aside each paycheck to your savings. You won't even see the money so you really won't miss it.
Use envelopes.
These are great for spending cash but also for making mini savings funds. You can read more about my envelope system here.
These are great for spending cash but also for making mini savings funds. You can read more about my envelope system here.
Use receipt apps.
There are so many apps you can use to upload your receipts and earn a little extra cash back over time which of course you should put into your savings.
Plan meals.
You'll only buy what you need and you'll end up having dinner planned more so you don't spend money eating out or ordering take out instead.
Plan out gifts for the year.
If you set aside money throughout the year and you have a budget set for every person you will buy a gift for during the year including birthdays, showers, and Christmas, you will be much less stressed by the end of the year.
If you set aside money throughout the year and you have a budget set for every person you will buy a gift for during the year including birthdays, showers, and Christmas, you will be much less stressed by the end of the year.
Reuse gift supplies.
Save gift bags and tissue paper so you can always reuse it rather than buy it in a rush at the drug store where it's usually overpriced.
Cancel auto renewals for subscriptions.
Cancel these so that you have to evaluate them when they need renewed and can really be careful what you decide. If you don't really enjoy a magazine or a service you're subscribed to, you don't need to renew.
Save your change.
I always place my change into a jar and then after a year I cash it in and add it to my savings. It adds up fast.
Use GoodRx for prescriptions.
You can get great savings with this app. Don't be afraid to use it! Do your research before buying prescriptions. It even works with pets!
Remove your stored credit card info from shopping websites.
Not only is this safer but it makes you have to stop and think before you rush and purchase something.
Negotiate your cable bill every two years.
I have never had problems doing this. I go on the representative chat every 2 years and ask them if they can give me the same rate for my cable as I already have. It always works and my bill never goes up. Sometimes I even get extra discounts. Remember, be kind and friendly to whomever you're chatting with.
I have never had problems doing this. I go on the representative chat every 2 years and ask them if they can give me the same rate for my cable as I already have. It always works and my bill never goes up. Sometimes I even get extra discounts. Remember, be kind and friendly to whomever you're chatting with.
Eat and drink coffee at home.
I promise if you do this you will save money. Also, stick a few protein bars in your desk or your car so you never have to stop and get fast food which may not be in your budget.
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