10 Things I Would Tell My 20 Year Old Self

Thursday, May 30, 2013

At 26, I can safely say that I've learned a lot over the past 6 years...so much so that if I could tell myself at age 20, the things I've learned now, I think I would have had a more peaceful 20-year-old mind.
So here is what I would tell my 20 year old self:

photo by taliosvia PhotoRee

1. Do NOT use your credit cards!!  - Especially not on things that make you feel good during stressful times.   Seriously, just cut those cards up NOW!! 

photo by EricGjerdevia PhotoRee

2. Put $20 into your savings every paycheck - just do it!!  After 6 years, you'll have over $3,000.00.

photo by 8lettersukvia PhotoRee

3. Stop buying stuff you don't need.  Novelty stuff is silly and you'll end up throwing it away in several years anyways, trust me I know this! ;)

photo by dhammzavia PhotoRee

4. Don't compare your body to anyone elses. You are supposed to be unique, so just embrace it!  

photo by rhurtubiavia PhotoRee

5. Going out to bars is a waste of money and time.  Be more productive with your time and make better memories. 

photo by Jane Rahmanvia PhotoRee
6. When it comes to relationships, don't waste time with anyone that isn't worth it.  Whether they are selfish, lazy, or abusive in any way shape or form. 

photo by R26Bvia PhotoRee
7. It's okay to not be married already.  You're the smart one at such a young age.

photo by Flick_R.via PhotoRee
8.  Only worry about having 1 or 2 close friends.  The rest of them all disappear over the next few years anyways.

photo by TheRatRacevia PhotoRee
9. Stay out of the sun.   Just do it.

photo by gbiermanvia PhotoRee
10. Enjoy every sunset you see, every flower you can smell, and every beautiful scene of nature you witness.  These are the things that throughout life will always give you a few moments of joy and peace. You won't remember them all, but it's okay.

What would you tell yourself?

1 comment:

  1. this was great advice! as a 23 yr old i really took these to heart.... even teared up with a couple...

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