Pretty Awesome for a Monday

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Well, yesterday went pretty fast at work, and then I came home to work out.  I did my 40 minute Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack workout and it was fantastic.  I did every move thoroughly and I gave it my all. I'm not really sore today so that's good because tonight I'm doing Buns & Thighs...eek!!

Some things on my mind?

Ummm..Coachella seemed awesome, and I blogged it.  I still can't get over the whole Tupac hologram thing.

I cleaned out my closet very very well.  Everything was cleaned out even my shoes!  That's saying a lot for me.  I got a whole bunch of extra shoe boxes which I will use for organizing the linen closet this weekend.    Do you know how simple life can be when everything has a place?  Trust me, it's great.  And that's my goal at this house.  My apartment was perfectly put together, so now I have to transfer that to where I live currently.

So I will try to take some before and after photos and show you guys my progress.

Also, I updated the buttons and menu under my banner so check it out! I'm so proud of myself! Hehe!

1 comment:

  1. isn't that funny that I commented on your buttons/and menu before I even read this!? Love it!

    Can't wait to see your progress with organizing...want to come and organize my closets for me? :)


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