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It’s not hard to fall into a rut during the work week, and along with that can come a negative outlook on life and a crappy attitude. So here are 5 tips to a better work day!
1. Laugh
Whether it’s a silly text from a friend, or a sarcastic one liner that you share with your best “coworker-friend”, sarcasm and laughter is great and can get you through the day!! It actually releases a happy chemical in your brain so you physically will have some mental attitude improvement!
2. Take a break
Get up and go outside for 5 minutes, take a walk around your building or up and down the stairwell. Check your email from your phone or your Facebook feed. Or take 5 minutes to read a book you have.
3. Be grateful
Next time you start to complain that you have to be at work or that you don’t like your job…think of this… It COULD be could be jobless and not have a way to put food on the table at home. Be grateful and thankful. Plain and simple!
4. Plan your evening
Making a list of things you want to do tonight, whether they are fun or just regular to do tasks, can give you something to look forward to and focus on besides how much you don’t want to be at work currently. Sometimes it can even make you say “Eh, I’d rather be at work”.
5. Surround yourself and your desk with pictures of things that make you happy.
Whether it’s your significant other, or your children and pets, when you glance at them, you will smile and feel better instantly. Plus it reminds you what you are working to take care of. I have photos of my family and my dogs all over my cubicle at work! It definitely works!!

It’s not hard to fall into a rut during the work week, and along with that can come a negative outlook on life and a crappy attitude. So here are 5 tips to a better work day!
photo by Morris Brum | via PhotoRee |
1. Laugh
Whether it’s a silly text from a friend, or a sarcastic one liner that you share with your best “coworker-friend”, sarcasm and laughter is great and can get you through the day!! It actually releases a happy chemical in your brain so you physically will have some mental attitude improvement!
2. Take a break
Get up and go outside for 5 minutes, take a walk around your building or up and down the stairwell. Check your email from your phone or your Facebook feed. Or take 5 minutes to read a book you have.
3. Be grateful
Next time you start to complain that you have to be at work or that you don’t like your job…think of this… It COULD be could be jobless and not have a way to put food on the table at home. Be grateful and thankful. Plain and simple!
4. Plan your evening
Making a list of things you want to do tonight, whether they are fun or just regular to do tasks, can give you something to look forward to and focus on besides how much you don’t want to be at work currently. Sometimes it can even make you say “Eh, I’d rather be at work”.
5. Surround yourself and your desk with pictures of things that make you happy.
Whether it’s your significant other, or your children and pets, when you glance at them, you will smile and feel better instantly. Plus it reminds you what you are working to take care of. I have photos of my family and my dogs all over my cubicle at work! It definitely works!!
I love using my lunch breaks to take some "me" time. My favorite thing to do is shut my door and read whatever book I'm into at the time. I find it calming and relaxing! Perfect for mid-day.