My 5 Best Tips for Other Bloggers

Friday, March 28, 2014

As a blogger, I often feel like there’s no quick and easy way to sum up what I do.   When I tell someone that I work full time and also run a blog, the usual response is “Oh that sounds fun!”   Don’t get me wrong… it is fun… but it’s also a lot of work and I often wonder if people think it’s as easy as typing something and hitting publish.  

In reality, as a blogger you end up being a writer, editor, photographer, PR gal, social media pro, graphic designer, brand researcher, and much much more. You have to market yourself as a brand in all ways possible and that alone is a lot of work. 

On any given day at my full time job, I can be seen responding to blog-related emails on my cell phone anytime I step away from my desk for a bathroom break.   

After I get home, there’s usually a few packages at my door, so I have to open them, log them in, and if I have time I stage photos.   If I don’t have time, I have to make time very soon so I can plan any outfits for photos, edit the photos, write the blog post, format it, schedule it, plan and schedule social media shares, and let the company know about what’s going on.

So how do I do it all without losing my mind?   

I know a lot of people out there  can teach you about SEO, Social Media, and more,  but I find that sometimes you just need to get a few tips to help you stay organized so you don’t become overwhelmed. 

1.Use an Editorial Calendar

This is what you will use to schedule posts, track the progress of them, and allows you to schedule what days you need to take a posting break.   I use my calendar to plan everything and to give myself reminders for when I need to reach back out to a brand down the road.  Bring this with you everywhere.  I carry mine in my work bag and if I’m traveling I carry it in my regular handbag.

2. Keep Your Emails Organized

Use folders to sort and store different types of emails and leave your general inbox as clear as possible so it can act as a REAL inbox for you.  If it’s still sitting in there, it means you either need to file it or respond to it!   I have my GMAIL inbox all organized with folders including: Product Reviews DONE, Product Reviews (for open ones), Product Reviews MAYBE(follow up with them later), Brand Ambassador, Blogger Networks, PR Emails, Reading (for all of my newsletters).  Keeping an organized email inbox makes it MUCH easier when you need to find something.

3.Track Gifted Items on a Spreadsheet

Whenever you agree to feature a gifted item on your blog, you need to make sure you track when you receive it, whether you’ve scheduled it for a review or not, and if it’s even been posted. 

I use an excel spreadsheet with the following columns: Company, Item, Price, Date sent, Date received, Date Posted, Giveaway? Y/N.  

Everything is highlighted in yellow until it is scheduled for a review, then that row gets set back to white.  Once I post the review, I log the date and I change the highlighting to dark gray.  This really comes in handy when a company asks If you received their product and you really can’t remember!

4.Schedule the time you work on your Blog

Whether it’s all at once on a specific day, or a little bit here and there a few days a week, make sure you set time aside to work on your blog and don’t make any excuses.   I schedule Tuesday and Thursday nights for blogging and I always chip away at it when I can. 

5. Don’t Post Every Day

You’ll exhaust yourself and your readers.   Set a day aside where nothing gets posted, and a good day for that is a Sunday because most people don’t do their normal routine of Internet stuff on Sundays OR if they do, it’s the day they catch up on a lot.  My days off are Sunday and Thursday. I put giant X’s on those days in my Editorial Calendar.

And don't forget to check out these other posts about making your comment section more user friendly and running better giveaways.  Oh and this fabulous post about tips for brands and bloggers working together


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  1. The fact that blogging is both fun and a LOT of hard work is very true! I think your advice here for newbie bloggers is excellent!

  2. FANTASTIC advice! I would be lost without my editorial calendar and I soooooooooo agree with the do not post every day. Better to leave them wanting more!! You need to be active in the BlogPaws community more my friend!

    1. Caren I agree. i would cry if something happened to my calendar loL!!


I love reading and responding to comments but in order to get my reply you must ensure you are NOT a no-reply blogger. If you are, here are some quick steps to change that!

1. Go to the home page of your Blogger account.
2. Select the drop down beside your name on the top right corner and choose Blogger Profile.
3. Select Edit Profile at the top right.
4. Select the Show My Email Address box.
5. Hit Save Profile.