How To Treat Yourself to a Mental Health Self-Care Day

Monday, November 2, 2020


We have all been there... you have a chaotic work week, have suffered a tragic loss, or just got done with a major project, and now you're exhausted and feeling depleted on all levels.  You sound like you need a self-care day for your mental health.  And that's a very important thing.  Mental health is a form of your overall health and if you ignore it you can suffer more and even get sick because your body's immune system is stressed out.  So no matter how you define the cause, here's how to treat yourself to a mental health self-care day. 
Take the day off.
That's right.  Take a day off from work and your other responsibilities.  If you have kids, ask a relative to baby sit them for the day.  Throw out your to do list for the day or do the things on it that need done the day before.  It's important that you make this day all about you and what you want to do.  And that can be nothing at all if you wish. 

Decide how to spend the day.
This will be different for everyone.  Maybe you want to turn off your phone, sleep half the day, wake up to order take out food and then watch movies all night, and that's fine.  Or maybe you want to take a day to go to the spa for a massage and a facial.  Perhaps you even want to use the day to just hang out with friends and laugh till you cry.  Whatever makes you feel fulfilled and nourished inside, do that.  If you want to focus 100% on a day out with your kids, go ahead.  Either way, decide what will help you and do it.

Pamper yourself.
If your ideal day to yourself involves pampering yourself at home, there are many things you can do.  Start the day with a delicious breakfast that you can take time to make for yourself without the typical morning rush.  Then enjoy a nap in your sunroom.  Paint your nails, do a face mask, and do a conditioning treatment for your hair.  If you have a pool, lounge on a floatie or in soak in your hot tub.  Order delivery so you have a nourishing lunch and/or dinner for yourself.  Avoid your phone if it stresses you out.  Or if it doesn't, find funny videos to make you laugh and enjoy your own company. Read a good book.  Finish the day with a nice warm bath with rose petals, essential oils, and anything else that makes you relax.  Try to keep your mind off of the regularities of life. 

Accomplish things you TRULY want to but haven't had time or energy for.
For some people (like myself), a day to throw yourself at crafts or re-organizing your closet can be very fulfilling. Don't worry about rushing through what you're doing because you have other things to deal with, because you don't.  Remember, this day is about YOU.

Don't explain yourself.
You owe no one an explanation.  You don't even have to share what you do with anyone else.  Just take the day for YOU and only YOU.  That's what makes it so special. 

Plan it for a good time.
If you know your spouse and kids will be away for the day, that's an ideal time to take advantage of the quiet time.  If it's going to be a rainy day and you want to be stuck inside, choose that day as your self-care day.  Take care of yourself. 

Taking a day for yourself can leave you feeling confident and recharged.  You will be re-energized to get back to your regular life in the days that follow.  Sometimes all you need is a break and it can be hard to do that in modern times.

How do you spend your mental health self-care days?

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