I'm Running ANOTHER 5K // This One's For The Dogs

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Actually I'm running 2 more 5Ks. 

The Grateful Dog Walk is on October 12th on City Island in Harrisburg. 


You can donate on my pledge site here.  My donations will be going to Bad Press which helps raise awareness of the BS stereotype that Pit Bulls and other breeds have but shouldn't have!

The 5th Annual Bark in the Park 5K Run & 1 Mile Dog Walk will be on Sunday, October 26, 2014 in Harrisburg on City Island.


If any of you want to make a pledge you can do so here. It will be in my name so I will get credit for it and if I raise my goal amount ($100) I will be so happy to give back to the animal community!

It would be so awesome for you to make even a $2 donation!   Thanks everyone! 

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Be sure to follow Ask Away on Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin', Pinterest, and Instagram!


  1. Ugh, I wish I lived closer to you so I could do these with you :(

  2. wow that is so awesome that youre running for a cause!



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