How Do I Live Without You?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser.  All opinions are mine alone. #loveandprotect #CollectiveBias

I'm not really a sappy romantic kind of gal.  Sorry but that's just how I've always been (or not been).  That doesn't mean I don't love my boyfriend. James is a great guy, he really is.   And as independent as I am, I still realize I wouldn't know what to do without him.  I'm not alone either, I mean that's obviously a struggle for a lot of people.  That's why the video in this PROTECTIVE LIFE article had me chuckling.  I'm not alone!   (Psst- Disclaimer: We realize this video in a way does poke fun at what a spouse does but they focus on sharing the workload as a couple. We don't want the posts to come off as derogatory in any way. We want these posts to seem fun and light. If you do use satire in your post, please avoid using an ominous or depressing tone. This is a delicate matter and we don't want to offend anyone.) I mean no matter how much we plan for a perfect life, things can come up along the way. Anything can happen, really so it's super important to always have a plan for your family in the event that something does happen.

I mean really.... who would mow the lawn?   Who would kill the spiders and bugs that make me scream and hide?    Who would cut into my steaks and tell me if they are done or not? Christmas lights? Forget it! I can't get on the roof and do that stuff!   I'd go broke taking my car to a garage to get worked on.

No matter how independent I try to be, I'd still be lost without my hardworking man! Now that we have our house together it's even more important for me to think about stuff like Life Insurance and making sure that I make smart choices about my future. 

I love cooking and cleaning but I really can't fix things. I'm not handy at all. Anytime something even starts to break, I yell for James and he soars in with his cape, inspects it, and comes up with some creative way to fix it.

If you think I was even able to hang that canvas by myself - you are SORELY mistaken!

Now's the perfect time of year to reflect on the people in your life that mean so much to you.  The Love and Life Initiative from PROTECTIVE LIFE reminds us that if something happens to you or your signigicant other you should have some sort of insurance in place.  The reality of the situation is that anything can happen at anytime so it's a very wise decision to have a plan of action and a way to leave some financial stability in place.  

I mean really though, who would want to kill bugs on their own? And who wants to get all greasy working on their car? That's what James is for!!   I can cook and clean all day but when something sketchy happens, even just an odd sound in the basement, I go running to whatever room he's in. It's quite comical and I know that he understands how much I love him, appreciate him, and how much I really do need him. And I don't just mean for killing spiders!  

So check out the article and let me know if you now understand the importance of planning for the unexpected.  How does the special person in your life make a difference? Is it killing spiders... or fixing your car? 

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  1. I'm so with you. Jesse mows the lawn, fixes things, and kills all the bugs. I have been thinking a lot about life insurance and especially wills lately. I really want to get on top of writing my will. You just never know what might happen and of course the most important part of the will is the fur babies.

  2. What a lovely couple you are!!! I have had to learn to do a ton by myself (like kill creepy bugs!) but my sweetie is a prince and when he comes over I usually have a honey-do list for him - not that I couldn't do it myself but it takes him so much less time than me!! And I secretly suspect he likes doing these things for me - at least that's what I tell myself! :)

    1. Awww thanks :)

      ANd of course they love doing stuff for us - it makes them feel needed :)

  3. something i don't think about enough, but due to recent losses in my life i have had to think about it.

  4. haha so agree with this!! you guys seem like a great couple. but agreed you do have to think about the unexpected!

    1. Thanks for stopping by girl! And yea i guess we are okay together, when i'm not bothering him with my moon boots aka UGGs, and when he's not hogging the TV to watch car shows hah a

  5. It's difficult for me to imagine life without my hubby. He does so much, and truth is he'd be fine without me, but if it was the other way around, not so much.

    1. Well you know sometimes I think that about James, but when I'm not around for a day, he seems lost lol and he can't remember an appointment to save his life.

  6. James sounds like a great guy!! Thank you for sharing him with us! #client


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