Are you in the habit of going for the same walk every day with your dog? Is your dog tired of smelling the same bits of grass? If you are both getting a bit bored with your exercise regimes, then maybe it's time to mix things up a bit and make things fun again.
Run With Your Dog
If you're into running or it's something you're thinking about taking up, then kill two birds with one stone and run with your dog. It's excellent for you to get fit, but it is for them too as it gets them outside but also increases their stamina and strengthens their muscles. But you do have to be willing to stop when your dog wants to stop to sniff things and to greet other dogs and people because it is their walk after all.
You might have seen this if you've ever watched Crufts. Flyball is a competitive sport, where dogs are part of teams, and the rules of the game are similar to a human relay race. Dogs race down a course, over four hurdles and collect a tennis ball and then run back carrying the ball. Once they get back to the starting line, the next dog goes. The goal is to be the fastest team without penalties, and penalties include dropping the ball or a dog taking off down the course before his or her teammate crosses the starting line.
Agility Class
Another one you could sign your dog up to is an agility class. This is not only great exercise for them but useful for training and learning new things. The dogs love going through the tunnels and over the obstacles, and there are classes with all different levels you can take yours too. Even if they're not particularly useful, it's a lot of fun for both of you.
Play Date
Have a playdate with one of your dog's friends? Perhaps you know someone who has a dog, or there's someone you have seen when walking your dog. Invite them round or offer to take them both out so that they can play and get plenty of exercises and you don't have to do much.
You also need to exercise your dog's brain, and after the basic obedience commands have been taught, cognitive challenges tend to drop off, so it's essential to find some silly, fun behaviour to teach your dog, like high fiving or bowing on command or go for more advanced practices such as emergency down or command by hand signals.
Dancing With Your Dog
You can take your dog to dance lessons, and some are very good at this. It involves you training them and teaching them to spin or walk back to music, but at the lessons, you will learn how to do this and your dog will too.
Make The Most Of The Space You Have
If you are short on time and you aren't able to take your dog out, then at least make sure it's safe for them to run around the garden and enjoy the outdoors as well as play. Buy yourself a Best Friend Fence to keep them secure, and it doesn't make your garden look too bad either.

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