So I caved and got a new handbag. I got a good deal on it from the Guess website though and I am selling one of my older bags I have in order to make up for buying a new one. So here she is... the Guess Roselle Satchel! I love the floral. Even inside there are flowers in the lining!!
I especially love the handles they are very sturdy and the whole bag is so so soft as it's made of faux croc skin. It is the perfect height and my purse organizer even fits inside. This bag is so gorgeou!!!
I especially love the handles they are very sturdy and the whole bag is so so soft as it's made of faux croc skin. It is the perfect height and my purse organizer even fits inside. This bag is so gorgeou!!!
This bag is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for linking up last week. Hope to see you back tomorrow! Please ad a link back to mine or Sharon's blog if you link up again.
Penniless Socialite
June Group Giveaway!