A Few Tips for Organizing A Garage

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

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While our garage in our new home is nowhere near being finished we are excited that we have some storage solutions so I figured I'd share them with you today in the form of tips for organizing a garage.

1. Use Shelves
We got lucky when the last owner left this storage cabinet behind.  Inside there are plenty of shelves to store all our painting, auto detailing, and bug spray product needs.

2.  Group Like Items Together
As with any room in your house, you should always keep similar items together.  The spray paints are in one area, rags in another, but everything stays together because it's easier to put things back in their place right after you use them. 

3. Use Portable Storage
I love gardening but I don't like making trips back and forth to get the little hand tools I need.   So I got a little lightweight gardening box that I use to carry around the yard with me when I work.  Inside it has a kneeling pad, gloves, hand shovel and a hand rake.  It makes it so much easier to keep everything with me as I make my way down the flowerbeds. 

4.  Hang Items Off The Floor

The worst part about yard tools is that they take up a lot of floor space if you just lean them up against the wall.  That's why we use the Large Garden Tool Rack from Susquehanna Garage Solutions. Not only does it have a lifetime warranty but it only took 15 minutes to install. It can hold over 20 tools.   It also makes it so much easier to find the tool I need. I used to have to check the bottom of each tool and hope I grabbed the right handle at the top.  Now everything is displayed easily and ready to grab.   It's cleared up so much floor space and it's also made it a safer environment for us and our cars. Who wants their car scratched if a rake falls on it?

Speaking of garages - let me show you what we did to the windows. This was before...

The sunlight could get right in and it made it sooooo hot inside the garage.   I felt like I couldn't breathe. Also, I didn't like that people could see right in.

And this was after...

These Mosaic Privacy Film Decals from WallPops were perfect to give us privacy and it cuts out UV rays so it doesn't get super hot.  I love them so much! It looks like it's actually part of the window but it's just a decal! And they were super easy to cut and apply!   

How do you organize your garage?

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