Dogs really are just like people. They can break their teeth and they can also get gum disease as well. On top of this, studies show that dogs are five times more likely to develop gum disease when compared to humans as well. There are a lot of different reasons for this, but the main one is that they have a much more alkaline mouth. When you have high alkalinity, you are much more likely to develop disease and even plaque formation. On top of this, it’s super hard for you to brush your dog’s teeth every single day. So how do you get around this?
Be Aware
If your dog has a cracked tooth or even a diseased tooth then your dog may not make this obvious. They may wag their tail whenever you walk in the room and they may also act as though they are the same dog that you know and love as well. Your dog could be in a tremendous amount of pain and you would never even know it. So why does this happen? Dogs have natural instincts and some of their instincts are that they have learnt not to show pain. This is a survival mechanism so your dog could have very advanced signs of periodontal disease and you would never even know. 80% of dogs also suffer from periodontal disease by the time they are 3 years old and most people are not aware of this at all, which can open the door to even more problems down the line.
The Signs
Bad dog breath can be a sign of gum disease. If you suspect that your dog has advanced gum disease then there are a couple of things that you can look out for. This can include gums that are red or bleeding, and blood on their chew toys. You may also look out for vocalisations when they eat or when they yawn, and to also see if they have loose teeth as well. It’s also completely normal for your dog to be head-shy, as well. The last sign is that they may always chew on one side of their mouth, to try and avoid causing themselves even more pain. A lot of pet owners blame signs like this on ageing but this is not the case at all. Age has very little to do with the condition of your dog’s teeth and there are plenty of things that you can do to try and turn the whole thing around.
Oral Health
If you want to take care of your dog’s oral health then this is very similar to taking care of your own. You have to make sure that you take them for oral examinations annually, and it even helps to get a deep clean done as well. This is usually done under general anaesthesia. It’s understandable that you may not think that this is worth it and that it is dangerous for your pet, but your vet will be able to advise you on this and they will also be able to give you all the help and support you need along the way as well. Your vet will also be able to take out dead tissue, and this can help you to prevent even more health complications at a later date.
Brushing your Dog’s Teeth
Cleaning your dog’s teeth can be a great way for you to prevent more problems. All you have to do is get some pet toothpaste and a pet toothbrush. With a little patience and a lot of treats, you can be sure to teach them how to have their teeth brushed and this is a great way for you to give them the support that they need with their oral health.
Chew Time!
Chew toys are essential if you want to keep your dog’s mouth in top form. Try and opt for toys that are hard and rubbery. Rawhide chews are also great as they can easily bend. Vets do recommend staying away from nylon bones or even rawhide chews that don’t bend. They also recommend staying away from animal bones as well, as these can wear your pet’s teeth down and they can also cause gastrointestinal problems as well. The occasional dental chew won’t go a miss either, and these are very affordable for you to buy.
So there are plenty of things that you can do to try and keep your pet safe, and there are also many ways for you to eliminate those bad breath problems as well.
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