Books I Recommend You Read [May]

Monday, May 25, 2020

Check out my two favorite reads for this month!


Plant Magic by Sandra Kynes
An awesome book that uses the wheel of the year to go through what plants, herbs, and flowers are special for each month.  It's super fun because now I can appreciate the wildflowers and other greens I find on my nature walks!

Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life by Marie Kondo
Yes! My girl is at it again with another great book, this time about how to get your life together when it comes to your work, both a home office or an actual physical office.  And it's not limited to physical clutter but also digital and mental clutter.  I was waiting for a book like this and it is SO helpful now! 

 I was so busy I didn't get to read much more so if you have any suggestions let me know!

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