Life Lately - May

Friday, May 22, 2020

I mean what in the world?! Life has been crazy.  I tried very hard to not even reference COVID-19 or Coronavirus in any posts to try to keep some normalcy but oh man I gotsta let it out now.

My last physical day in my office was Friday, March 13th.  All was normal and Sunday night I went to bed prepared to go into work the next day.  I woke up at my usual time on Monday only to see I had a notification from the powers that be that we were to begin teleworking or if we didn't have what we needed to do that, head to the office to grab what we need and then leave early.  That first week was chaos.

Immediately I had to notify my coworkers what was going on so that when they woke up they had more details.  As soon as my boss woke up we had to coordinate who was at home, who was running in to get stuff, etc. He also had me set up a conference line for my office (and a call every Monday) just to touch base and keep everyone updated on things. 

So of course I was working from home in my office room but I wasn't quite prepared so there was a lot of chaos.  That afternoon I focused on clearing the desk clutter and overall clutter in my office.  The next day I reorganized the book shelves and office shelves and by Wednesday that first week, everything was nice and set up for me to get in the zone when I work from home.  

The hardest part the entire time when it comes to working at home is the boundary between work life and home life.  I felt so attached to my laptop and office until our boss said it's important when we have downtime during the work day that we go outside or go on a brief walk for our mental health.  I'm so glad I have a boss who is understanding like that.   On nice weather days, the porch is my home office.  Unfortunately April had too much rain so it was kind of depressing but I'm doing the best I can.  The chaos at grocery stores annoyed me until I finally started using Instacart.   How have you guys been holding up?

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